Weekly outline

  • Intro

       Performing Arts

    Hi Everyone!!!!

    Welcome to Year 7 Performing Arts.

    Mr Bartlett, Miss Shields and Miss McGregor are sharing this course and you will get to spend time with both of us learning Music, Drama and Dance.

    We want to give you a taste or our passion for these subjects, and if you enjoy it over your junior years you can choose it as an option when you are in year 9.

    You will be able to try out your skills in acting and performing, working with a musical instrument and testing your rhythm in both music and dance.   

    We hope you have a great term with us!

  • Drama

    You will have approximately 9 sessions of drama, during that time you will complete the following: 

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    Communicating and Interpreting

    Present and respond to drama, identifying ways in which techniques combine to create meaning in their own and others’ work.

    Developing Ideas

    • Initiate and develop ideas with others to create drama.

    Understanding Drama in Context

    • Investigate the functions and purposes of drama in cultural and historical contexts.

    Developing Practical Knowledge

    • Use techniques and relevant technologies to explore drama elements and conventions.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Learnt the names of all my classmates and interacted with everyone

    • Describe and understand the expectations in drama class

    • Discuss Drama Techniques - Voice, Body and Movement and how they help create drama

    • Work with my group to create short skits based on my context


    • Ice breakers and classroom expectations

    • About me

    • Walking in the space - showing different characters or emotions

    • Mime - rehearsal and performance of first skit

    • First skit using voice - was it different? more scary?

    • Writing some notes about our techniques

    • Discussing why performance has been used throughout history - what does a performance do?

    • Work with a group and brainstorm a range of ideas for your final skit based on your context and rehearse

    • Finish with final performance to class

  • Music

    Our music website

    Click here to access our Google website for music.

    This website has more of our learning, all our resources and planning for the next three weeks of music. I suggest bookmarking it as we will be using it every session.


    Kia ora and welcome to Year 7 Music! My name is Mr Bartlett (EBA) and I will be your music teacher this term. In music class we will be listening to, creating and performing music! Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions - I will be happy to answer them. You can email me at ebartlett@mhjc.school.nz. You can I wish you all the best for this year, and I look forward to working together with you.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Explore and Identify how sound is made and changed, as you listen and respond to music.

    • Represent sound and musical ideas in a variety of ways.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Learnt the names of all my classmates

    • Describe and understand the expectations in music class

    • Give the rhythm activities a go and get better at them


    • Ice breakers and classroom expectations

    • About me

    • Rhythm activities

  • Music

    Welcome back for your second week here at MHJC! Last week we tried out some new rhythm games, which we'll continue to learn today. We'll also try out playing an instrument and writing some lyrics this week!

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Get better at another rhythm activity
    • How to read and play ukulele chord charts
    • Brainstorm ideas for lyrics related to your context


    • Rhythm games
    • Reading and playing from a chord chart
    • Lyric brainstorms/writing

    Success criteria: I have/can...

    • Participate fully in the rhythm games
    • Can play at least two chords on a ukulele
    • Formed a group and have started writing lyrics

  • Dance

    You will have approximately 9 sessions of dance, during that time you will complete the following: 

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    Developing Practical Knowledge

    • Use the dance elements to develop and share their personal movement vocabulary.

    Developing Ideas

    • Select and combine dance elements in response to a variety of stimuli.

    Communicating and Interpreting

    • Prepare and share dance movement individually and in pairs or groups.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Warm up of just dance

    • Focus on learning dance elements - Timing and Space - pathways, formations, locomotive and non-locomotive

    • Learn a dance combo- use it as a base to choreograph your 30 second dance routine

    • Rehearse each session and develop your routine

    • Perform your routine to the class

    • Can identify the dance elements


    • Just dance

    • Learn Dance elements

    • Learn dance moves

    • Choreograph 30sec dance routine

    • Rehears and practice - focus on elements

    • Perform it to class

    • Reflect on dance elements and if you saw them used

    Can we auto-correct humanity sections:


  • Assessment

    • Assignment icon
      Year 7 Performing Arts Assessment Assignment
  • 7 March - 13 March

  • 14 March - 20 March

  • 21 March - 27 March

  • 28 March - 3 April

  • 4 April - 10 April

  • 11 April - 17 April

  • 18 April - 24 April

  • 25 April - 1 May

  • 2 May - 8 May

  • 9 May - 15 May

  • 16 May - 22 May

  • 23 May - 29 May

  • 30 May - 5 June

  • 6 June - 12 June

  • 13 June - 19 June

  • 20 June - 26 June

  • 27 June - 3 July

  • 4 July - 10 July

  • 11 July - 17 July

  • 18 July - 24 July

  • 25 July - 31 July

  • 1 August - 7 August

  • 8 August - 14 August

  • 15 August - 21 August

  • 22 August - 28 August

  • 29 August - 4 September

  • 5 September - 11 September

  • 12 September - 18 September

  • 19 September - 24 September

  • 26 September - 2 October

  • 3 October - 9 October

  • 10 October - 16 October

  • 17 October - 23 October

  • 24 October - 30 October

  • 31 October - 6 November

  • 7 November - 13 November

  • 14 November - 20 November

  • 21 November - 27 November

  • 28 November - 4 December

  • 5 December - 11 December

  • 12 December - 18 December

  • 19 December - 25 December

  • 26 December - 1 January

  • 2 January - 8 January

  • 9 January - 15 January

  • 16 January - 22 January

  • 23 January - 29 January