Weekly outline

  • General

    • Assignment icon

      Strand: Statistics (data display & data analysis)

      • L3 Statistical investigations - conduct investigations using the statistical enquiry cycle
      • L3 Statistical literacy - evaluate the effectiveness of different displays in representing the findings of a statistical investigation

    • Assignment icon

      Number Strategies (Decimals, Percentages and Costing) Level 3-4

      • Use a range of multiplicative strategies when operating on whole numbers.
      • Understand addition and subtraction of decimals, 
      • Find fractions, decimals, and percentages of amounts expressed as whole numbers, simple fractions, and decimals.
      • Know the equivalent decimal and percentage forms for everyday fractions.
      • Know the relative size and place value structure of decimals to two decimal places.

  • Term 1 Week 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING numbers and operations so that we connect numbers to daily life, objects and incidents
    • We are EXPLORING place value so that we can conceptualise number in a meaningful way
    • We are EXPLORING the difference between digits and numbers so that we classify them
    • We are EXPLORING numbers and operations so that we can recognise the practical application of number and number sense

    Kia Ora and Good Morning...

    Welcome to MHJC – Coast Whanau.

    I am Mr Choong, your Maths teacher and we are going to learn and do all the fun stuff in Mathematics.

    Remember:  Success = daily practice in maths. 

    Daily means 20-30 mins every day! That's it!  Maths Buddy is an online maths program to help you. If you can do Maths Buddy every day for 20 mins or more,  it's done.  Maths Buddy is great because you will have a video to demonstrate how  the maths is done for each problem. So, you have a teacher to help you at any time.  Remember I see you only twice a week, but maths must be done every day. That's why Maths Buddy is so important.

    You can use your MHOL login name and password to log in to Maths Buddy

    We will be learning about numbers and operations this term. Our Whanau context for this term is Our Place & Celebrations. We will learn how to link and apply what we learn this term to our context.

    We are going to start this week by revising our number operation skills and memorising the 1-12 times table. We will draw the times table grid in our books and fill it.

    Times table Grid

    After you fill the grid you may need to practice number operations using the following link:


  • Term 1 Week 2

    Kia ora..

    We will be learning about numbers and operations this term. Our Whanau context for this term is the evolving community and we will link what we learn to the context by learning how might we use numbers in our community.

    We will start by revising place value and rounding numbers.



    Learning Intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING numbers and operations so that we connect numbers to daily life, objects and incidents
    • We are EXPLORING place value so that we can conceptualise number in a meaningful way
    • We are EXPLORING the difference between digits and numbers so that we classify them
    • We are EXPLORING numbers and operations o that we can recognise the practical application of number and number sense



    MHJC Learning Framework Step:

    • Explore (Setting the scene)


    • Mind mapping of Mathematics in relation to the world
    • History background of our based-10 (decimal) number system.
    • Reading and understanding whole numbers.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • brainstorm existing ideas of mathematics learnt over the years
    • challenge ourselves to link everything in the world to math
    • explore the origin and background story of our number system, i.e. the logic behind our current Arabic numerals
    • explain the meaning of digits in any whole number
    • revise the place value
    • explore numbers
    • make sensible estimates and check the reasonability of answers

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • explore the place value system and the value of digits
    • understand estimation using rounding
    • understand numbers on a number line including the place of fractional numbers

    MHOL, Reading and understanding whole numbers

    Why is Math important?  

    Arabic Numerals. 

  • Term 1 Week 3

    Good Morning...

    Welcome to week 3. This week we will be sitting our first Maths eAsTTle test. Then we will be learning about rounding numbers. 



    MHJC Learning Framework Step:



    Learning Intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING numbers and operations so that we connect numbers to daily life, objects and incidents
    • We are EXPLORING place value so that we can conceptualise number in a meaningful way
    • We are EXPLORING the difference between digits and numbers so that we classify them
    • We are EXPLORING numbers and operations o that we can recognise the practical application of number and number sense


    Work on the documents from last week. Attempt the rounding numbers question.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • explain the meaning of digits in any
      whole number.
    • revise the place value.
    • use place value concept in rounding numbers.
    • explore numbers.
    • make sensible estimates and check the
      reasonableness of answers.

    Success Criteria:
      I can/have...

    • explored the place value system and the value of digits.
    • estimated answers using rounding
    • used place value concept in rounding numbers

    MHOL, external websites


    MathsBuddy to be completed by Sunday night each week.

  • Term 1 Week 4


    • Maths groups (Shapes) established after assessment analysis

    MHJC Learning Framework Step:



    Learning Intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on rounding numbers to different place values so that we can develop an understanding and confidence that in rounding whole numbers.
    • We are FOCUSING on multiples and factors that we can identify the factors of a whole number
    • We are FOCUSING on divisibility so that we can identify the possible factors of a whole number easily and confidently

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • identify the place value of digits in any
      whole number up to million
    • revise the place value
    • use place value concept in rounding numbers
    • explore numbers
    • make sensible estimates and check the
      reasonableness of answers
    • use times table facts to work out the multiples and factors of a number

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • explored the place value system and the value of digits.
    • estimated answers using rounding
    • used place value concept in rounding numbers
    • work out the factors of a whole number


    • Catch up & review work on the documents from last week. Attempt naming the whole number place value up to millions
    • Quiz on Prime Number (in class); review this to consolidate understanding
    • Complete the Prime Number Worksheet 
    • Watch these video resources (optional)


    • MHOL, external websites


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Sunday night each week.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.

  • Term 1 Week 5


    MHJC Learning Framework Step:



    Learning Intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on basic addition and subtraction strategies so that we can develop our confidence and skills in adding and subtracting numbers up to 7-digits, including subtraction from 10-thousands.
    • We are FOCUSING on rounding numbers so that we can identify the place value of whole number and round the numbers to a specific place value correctly.
    • We are FOCUSING on estimation so that we can develop our confidence and skills in estimating numbers by rounding off.
    • We are FOCUSING on tidy numbers so that we can identify the complementary number that adds up to 100, with quick and accurate recall.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • explored the place value system and the value of digits.
    • estimated answers using rounding
    • used place value concept in rounding numbers
    • work out the number pairs that make up 100, quickly and confidently


    • Catch up & review work on the documents from last week. Attempt naming the whole number place value up to millions
    • Hands-Activity: Make 100
    • Watch these video resources (optional)


    • MHOL, external websites


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Sunday night each week.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.
  • Term 1 Week 6


    MHJC Learning Framework Step:


    FOCUS / ARONGA Learning Intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on prime numbers so that we can develop an understanding that prime numbers are the building blocks of all numbers
    • We are FOCUSING on multiplicative skills is that we can identify the factors of a number
    • We are FOCUSING on composite numbers so that we can identify the difference between these and prime numbers

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • identify prime numbers up to 100
    • explain what the difference between a prime number and composite number is using rectangular number concept (i.e. array) 
    • work out the factors of a number using times table facts


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 


    • MHOL, external websites


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Sunday night each week.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • Term 1 Week 7


    MHJC Learning Framework Step:


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI  learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to practise and produce factor trees so that we can factorise numbers using prime numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise and apply rounding number skills so that we can round numbers to the nearest place value for both whole and decimal numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise our basic facts so that we can promote speed and accuracy in our recall of our number basic facts

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • factorise composite numbers using prime factorisation and the factor tree method
    • explored the decimal place value system
    • used place value concept in rounding numbers, including decimal numbers
    • round decimal numbers to the 1, 2 or 3 decimal places


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • Term 1 Week 8


    (continue from last week)

    MHJC Learning Framework Step:


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI  learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to practise and produce factor trees so that we can factorise numbers using prime numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise and apply rounding number skills so that we can round numbers to the nearest place value for both whole and decimal numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise our basic facts so that we can promote speed and accuracy in our recall of our number basic facts

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • factorise composite numbers using prime factorisation and the factor tree method
    • explored the decimal place value system
    • used place value concept in rounding numbers, including decimal numbers
    • round decimal numbers to the 1, 2 or 3 decimal places


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • Term 1 Week 9


    MHJC Learning Framework Step:


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to apply prime number knowledge so that we can solve problems involving prime and composite numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise and produce factor trees so that we can factorise numbers using prime numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise and apply rounding number skills so that we can round numbers to the nearest place value for both whole and decimal numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise our basic facts so that we can promote speed and accuracy in our recall of our number basic facts

    (Revision week for the term's overall learning)

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • factorise composite numbers using prime factorisation and the factor tree method
    • explored the decimal place value system
    • used place value concept in rounding numbers, including decimal numbers
    • round decimal numbers to the 1, 2 or 3 decimal places


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • Term 1 Week 10


    MHJC Learning Framework Step:


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to apply prime number knowledge so that we can solve problems involving prime and composite numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise and produce factor trees so that we can factorise numbers using prime numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise and apply rounding number skills so that we can round numbers to the nearest place value for both whole and decimal numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise our basic facts so that we can promote speed and accuracy in our recall of our number basic facts

    (Revision week for the term's overall learning)

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • factorise composite numbers using prime factorisation and the factor tree method
    • explored the decimal place value system
    • used place value concept in rounding numbers, including decimal numbers
    • round decimal numbers to the 1, 2 or 3 decimal places


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • Term 1 Week 11


    MHJC Learning Framework Step:


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to apply prime number knowledge so that we can solve problems involving prime and composite numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise and produce factor trees so that we can factorise numbers using prime numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise and apply rounding number skills so that we can round numbers to the nearest place value for both whole and decimal numbers
    • We are PLANNING to practise our basic facts so that we can promote speed and accuracy in our recall of our number basic facts

    (Revision week for the term's overall learning)

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • factorise composite numbers using prime factorisation and the factor tree method
    • explored the decimal place value system
    • used place value concept in rounding numbers, including decimal numbers
    • round decimal numbers to the 1, 2 or 3 decimal places


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • 18 April - 24 April

  • 25 April - 1 May

  • Term 2 Week 1



    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... to identify the four different stages of statistical approach and make connection of the use of statistics to real-life context.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • identify and describe the uses of statistics in work, sport, at home and in leisure
    • list and briefly explain the 4 main stages of statistical approach: collect data, organise data, present data, analyse data


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 
    • What is statistic?  Define what the math strand of statistics is?  Group discussion
    • What have we learning about statistics?  (Existing knowledge, class brainstorming


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.
    • BrainPop (front-loading)


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • Term 2 Week 2



    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... to conceptualise a number of mental and working strategies to solve division problems.
    • We are EXPLORING... to make connection between multiplication and division, and use timestable facts to work out division problems.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use the "chunking" mental strategy to work out division problems
    • use timestable facts to work out division problems


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 
    • How does multiplication link to the concept of division  Group discussion
    • Using word stories to unpack the concept of division, modelling


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.
    • BrainPop (front-loading)


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • Term 2 Week 3



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on the mental strategy "chunking" (or place value partitioning) to develop part-whole thinking skills in order to solve division problems.
    • We are FOCUSING... on long and/or short division working strategy to develop the logical methodology and confidence to solve division problems.
    • We are FOCUSING... reading and analysing a range of different data display methods in statistics (graphs and charts) in order to solve statistics problems; e.g. dot plot, tally chart, strip graph, pictograph, bar graph, stem-and-leaf graph.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use the "chunking" mental strategy to work out division problems
    • use long or short division working strategy to work out division problems
    • solve statistics problems that involve a variety of basic graphs, such as: dot plot, strip graph, pictograph, bar graph, stem-and-leaf graph


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 
    • Types of graphs, compare and contrast, show what they look like and how they are used; Group discussion
    • Using fractions and percentage to solve strip graph (known as bar graph on Maths Buddy, modelling & individual support


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • Term 2 Week 4



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... reading and analysing a range of different data display methods in statistics (graphs and charts) in order to solve statistics problems; e.g. dot plot, tally chart, strip graph, pictograph, bar graph, stem-and-leaf graph.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use the "chunking" mental strategy to work out division problems
    • use long or short division working strategy to work out division problems
    • solve statistics problems that involve a variety of basic graphs, such as: dot plot, strip graph, pictograph, bar graph, stem-and-leaf graph


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 
    • Stem-and-Leaf graph, show what they look like and explain how they are used; Group discussion & modelling
    • Using fractions and percentages to solve strip graph (known as bar graph on Maths Buddy, modelling & individual support


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • Term 2 Week 5



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING… the data handling approach to identify the purpose of mean, median, mode and range, and the methods to systematically work them out.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • identify the different statistical data computation methods such as mean, median, mode, and range
    • discuss the purpose of mean, median, mode, and range
    • work out the mean, median, mode, and range of a given data set; and logical steps is evident in the working
    • solve statistics problems that involve mean, median, mode, and range


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 
    • Data analysis, computation of mean, median, mode and range, introduction; Group discussion & modelling
    • Any questions on Maths Buddy, modelling & individual support (in-class and/or online)


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

    • Mean, Median, Mode, and Range: 

  • Term 2 Week 6



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we canpractise and apply the addition and division strategies to work out the mean, median, mode and range of data sets.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • identify the different statistical data computation methods such as mean, median, mode, and range
    • discuss the purpose of mean, median, mode, and range
    • work out the mean, median, mode, and range of a given data set; and logical steps is evident in the working
    • solve statistics problems that involve mean, median, mode, and range


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 
    • Mean, median, mode, and range; unpack what they are and explain how they are used in authentic contexts, make connections with relevant, real-life situations; Group discussion & modelling


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • Term 2 Week 7



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... creating questionnaire via Google Form to conduct a survey to collect measure data, and the basic functions of Google Sheet to develop the confidence and basic digital skill in tabulating statistical data and making graphs, and then making sense and of the results; i.e. organising and displaying data, and then analysing data.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • work in a small group to create Google Form questionnaire to collect data from other classmates


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 
    • Google Form, how to create a questionnaire with a range of different question types ; Group discussion & modelling


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • Term 2 Week 8



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... the basic functions of Google Sheet to develop the confidence and basic digital skill in tabulating statistical data and making graphs, and then making sense and of the results; i.e. organising and displaying data, and then analysing data.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use Google Spreadsheet to key in data and tabulate (organise) data, and then produce graphs to present the data  


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 
    • Google Sheet, how to organise data collected via Google Form, how to write simple spreadsheet formulae to tabulate data, how to create a table to generate graphs to present data; Group discussion & modelling


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom
    • Maths Buddy
    • Ludi Basic Facts
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop
    • Transum

  • Term 2 Week 9



      PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

      • We are PLANNING... so that we candemonstrate our understanding of a range of graphs in solving statistics problems in real-life contexts.
      • We are PLANNING... so that we canperform and apply statistical approaches to analyse data gathered from our Health & PE progress.

      Success Criteria: I can/have...

      • use Google Spreadsheet to key in data and tabulate (organise) data, and then produce graphs to present the data
      • use data analysis method to work out mean, median, mode and range of the Health & PE data
      • create a number of relevant graphs and analyse the data to draw meaningful conclusions


      • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
      • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
      • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
      • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 
      • Assessment task; working in groups to collect data using Google Form, and then using Google Sheet to organise data and create a graphs to present data in order to draw a conclusion from data analysis


      • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
      • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
      • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


      • MHOL, external websites
      • Google Classroom
      • Maths Buddy
      • Ludi Basic Facts
      • Maths Starter
      • BrainPop
      • Transum

    • Term 2 Week 10



        REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

        • We are REFLECTINGreview our understanding of the mental and working strategies and logical steps, such as "chunking" as well as long and/or short division operations.
        • We are REFLECTINGassess our progress of our learning journey with statistical approaches in organising data, displaying data, and analysing data; including the understanding of a range of basic charts and graphs.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • use Google Spreadsheet to key in data and tabulate (organise) data, and then produce graphs to present the data
        • use data analysis method to work out mean, median, mode and range of the Health & PE data
        • create a number of relevant graphs and analyse the data to draw meaningful conclusions
        • upload completed tasks to submit for the statistics assessment


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from last week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine 
        • Assessment task; working in groups to collect data using Google Form, and then using Google Sheet to organise data and create a graphs to present data in order to draw a conclusion from data analysis


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom
        • Maths Buddy
        • Ludi Basic Facts
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum

      • 11 July - 17 July

      • 18 July - 24 July

      • Term 3 Week 1



        EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

        • We are EXPLORING... to connect the use of decimals in everyday shopping.
        • We are EXPLORING... to calculate the change from shopping of items with given prices.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • identify the relationships between mathematics and money matters in real life
        • define and explain how to work out costs, profit and loss in a general sense
        • add up and work out the prices of sales items as well as figuring out the the change when paying by cash (or in a cash scenario)


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from before
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine
        • Money matters and terminology: costs, sales, prices, profit, loss 
        • Contextual problems: getting change, shopping, financial plans


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom
        • Maths Buddy
        • Ludi Basic Facts
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum

      • Term 3 Week 2


        FOCUS / ARONGA

        FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

        • We are FOCUSING... to develop our knowledge of decimals, fractions and percentage.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • identify the relationships between fractions, decimals and percentage
        • convert fractions to decimals and vice versa; percentages too (if ready)
        • justify the decimal place value and compare the values of decimal numbers


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine
        • Knowledge attack, front-loading: decimals, decimal place values
        • Conversion: fractions, decimals, percentages


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom
        • Maths Buddy
        • Ludi Basic Facts
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum

      • Term 3 Week 3


        FOCUS / ARONGA

        FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

        • We are FOCUSING... to develop our skills in adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • add or subtract decimals up to 3 decimal place values
        • multiply decimals with whole numbers and other decimals
        • divide decimals with whole numbers and other decimals


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine
        • Number strategies and skills in operations with decimals: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
        • Revision: rounding decimals to a specific decimal place value


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom
        • Maths Buddy
        • Ludi Basic Facts
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum

      • Term 3 Week 4



        PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

        • We are PLANNING... so that we can... apply our knowledge and skills of decimals (as well as fractions and percentages) in solving money matters or problems.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • add up the prices of sale items 
        • work out the prices of sale items in a range of quantities


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine
        • Number strategies and skills (application in money situations): addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
        • Revision: adding & subtracting decimals (money, prices)


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom
        • Maths Buddy
        • Ludi Basic Facts
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum

      • Term 3 Week 5



        PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

        • We are PLANNING... so that we can... apply our knowledge and skills of decimals (as well as fractions and percentages) in solving money matters or problems.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • multiply the prices of sale items 
        • work out the prices of sale items in a range of quantities


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine
        • Number strategies and skills (application in money situations): addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
        • Revision: multiplying decimals (money, prices)


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom
        • Maths Buddy
        • Ludi Basic Facts
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum

      • Term 3 Week 6



        PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

        • We are PLANNING... so that we can... demonstrate our skills in working out the costs and prices of sales, and then justify the profit or loss.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • use a table to systematically record and work out the profits or losses of different sales
        • draw meaningful conclusion from the costs and profits/losses calculated


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine
        • Number strategies and skills (application in money situations): compare prices, cost, profits, and link to real life scenarios
        • Revision: adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals (money, prices)


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom
        • Maths Buddy
        • Ludi Basic Facts
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum

      • Term 3 Week 7



        PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

        • We are PLANNING... so that we can... apply our knowledge and skills of decimals (as well as fractions and percentages) in solving money matters or problems.
        • We are PLANNING... so that we can... demonstrate our skills in working out the costs and prices of sales, and then justify the profit or loss.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • use a table to systematically record and work out the profits or losses of different sales
        • draw meaningful conclusion from the costs and profits/losses calculated
        • work out prices or costs of a range of ingredients
        • compare prices of ingredients from different sources
        • calculate the costs to identify the lowest costs
        • work out profit or loss, to develop financial literacy skills in mathematics


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine
        • Number strategies and skills (application in money situations): compare prices, cost, profits, and link to real life scenarios
        • Revision: adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals (money, prices)


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom
        • Maths Buddy
        • Ludi Basic Facts
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum

      • Term 3 Week 8



        PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

        • We are PLANNING... so that we can... apply our knowledge and skills of decimals (as well as fractions and percentages) in solving money matters or problems.
        • We are PLANNING... so that we can... demonstrate our skills in working out the costs and prices of sales, and then justify the profit or loss.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • use a table to systematically record and work out the profits or losses of different sales
        • draw meaningful conclusion from the costs and profits/losses calculated
        • work out prices or costs of a range of ingredients
        • compare prices of ingredients from different sources
        • calculate the costs to identify the lowest costs
        • work out profit or loss, to develop financial literacy skills in mathematics


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine
        • Number strategies and skills (application in money situations): compare prices, cost, profits, and link to real life scenarios
        • Revision: adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals (money, prices)


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom
        • Maths Buddy
        • Ludi Basic Facts
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum

      • Term 3 Week 9



        REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

        • We are REFLECTING... to assess the progress of our learning journey with calculating costs and prices and solving money problems.
        • We are REFLECTING… to review our understanding of 2D and 3D shapes in geometry.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • use a table to systematically record and work out the profits or losses of different sales
        • draw meaningful conclusion from the costs and profits/losses calculated
        • work out prices or costs of a range of ingredients
        • compare prices of ingredients from different sources
        • calculate the costs to identify the lowest costs
        • work out profit or loss, to develop financial literacy skills in mathematics


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine
        • Number strategies and skills (application in money situations): compare prices, cost, profits, and link to real life scenarios
        • Revision: adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals (money, prices)


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom
        • Maths Buddy
        • Ludi Basic Facts
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum

      • Term 3 Week 10



        REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

        • We are REFLECTING... to assess the progress of our learning journey with calculating costs and prices and solving money problems.
        • We are REFLECTING… to review our understanding of 2D and 3D shapes in geometry.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • use a table to systematically record and work out the profits or losses of different sales
        • draw meaningful conclusion from the costs and profits/losses calculated
        • work out prices or costs of a range of ingredients
        • compare prices of ingredients from different sources
        • calculate the costs to identify the lowest costs
        • work out profit or loss, to develop financial literacy skills in mathematics


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine
        • Number strategies and skills (application in money situations): compare prices, cost, profits, and link to real life scenarios
        • Revision: adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals (money, prices)


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom
        • Maths Buddy
        • Ludi Basic Facts
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum

      • 3 October - 9 October

      • 10 October - 16 October

      • Term 4 Week 1



        EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

        • We are EXPLORING… to classify and conceptualise the geometric features (such as parallel lines, types of angles) of a range of polygons, such as squares, rectangles, triangles, etc.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • identify parallel lines and perpendicular lines from a range of 2D shapes
        • classify 2D shapes based on their geometrical features, i.e. corners and sides


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom (differentiated)
        • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
        • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum (differentiated)

      • Term 4 Week 2


        FOCUS / ARONGA

        FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

        • We are FOCUSING… to identify the important geometric features of 2D shapes, such as: parallel & perpendicular lines, corners and sides

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • identify parallel lines and perpendicular lines from a range of 2D shapes
        • draw parallel lines and perpendicular lines correctly, with the right labelling
        • work out and name the 2D shapes by recognising their geometrical features, i.e. corners and sides


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine
        • Number strategies and skills (application in money situations): compare prices, cost, profits, and link to real life scenarios
        • Revision: adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals (money, prices)


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom (differentiated)
        • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
        • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum (differentiated)

      • Term 4 Week 3


        FOCUS / ARONGA

        FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

        • We are FOCUSING… to describe and explain types of angles, especially those found in triangles and other quadrilaterals.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • identify acute angles, right angle, obtuse angles, flat angle, reflex angle, etc.
        • describe the different types of angles and explain them based on their value; e.g. 90 degree, 180 degree, and so on


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom (differentiated)
        • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
        • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop
        • Transum (differentiated)

      • Term 4 Week 4


        FOCUS / ARONGA

        FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

        • We are FOCUSING… to deduce the interior angles of triangles.
        • We are FOCUSING… to deduce the values of angles found in a range of intersecting or parallel lines.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • use a protractor to measure angles correctly
        • find the values of angles in triangles
        • find the values of angles on a point


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom (differentiated)
        • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
        • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop 
        • Transum (differentiated)

        Measuring Angles (Easy-Medium-Hard):
        Angles in a Triangle (Easy-Hard):
        Angle Points:

      • Term 4 Week 5


        FOCUS / ARONGA

        FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

        • We are FOCUSING… to deduce the interior angles of triangles.
        • We are FOCUSING… to deduce the values of angles found in a range of intersecting or parallel lines.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • use a protractor to measure angles correctly
        • find the values of angles in triangles
        • find the values of angles on a point


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom (differentiated)
        • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
        • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop 
        • Transum (differentiated)

        Measuring Angles (Easy-Medium-Hard):
        Angles in a Triangle (Easy-Hard):
        Angle Points:

      • Term 4 Week 6



        PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

        • We are PLANNING... so that we canpractise and apply working strategies to solve addition / subtraction problems of fractions with different denomintors.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • add and subtract fractions using the concepts of LCM (Lowest Common Multiplier/Denominator) in different scenarios
        • work out the LCM (lowest common denominator) for 2 or more numbers (fractions' denominators)


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom (differentiated)
        • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
        • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop 
        • Transum (differentiated)

        How to Find the Least Common Multiple Using Prime Factorization : Multiplication Tips

      • Term 4 Week 7



        PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

        • We are PLANNING... so that we canpractise and apply working strategies to solve multiplication / division problems of fractions with mixed numbers.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • multiply and divide fractions correctly
        • turn division of fractions into multiplication by turning the dividend fraction upside-down
        • use the "slaying the dragons" strategy (cross-cancelling or simplifying) when solving multiplication of fractions


        • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
        • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
        • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
        • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


        • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
        • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
        • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


        • MHOL, external websites
        • Google Classroom (differentiated)
        • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
        • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
        • Maths Starter
        • BrainPop 
        • Transum (differentiated)

        Multiply fractions -- Problems (themathpage.com) 


        How to Multiply and Divide Fractions

        Multiplying Fractions Using Cancellation

      • Term 4 Week 8

        (Prize-giving week)

      • 12 December - 18 December