Weekly outline

  • General

  • 31 January - 6 February

    Kia ora koutou katoa!

    Welcome to MHJC and Forest whanau ! I hope you all had a great holiday and are excited to be here.

    This week you ONLY have PEH on Friday session 5. 

    Learning Intention:

    • Expectations for PE and Health
    • Where do I go? What do I need? What will we do?


    • Fun warm up games


    PE sessions are:

    Monday S4

    Tuesday S4

    Friday S5

  • 7 February - 13 February

    Kia ora koutou katoa!

    This week you have PEH on Tuesday session 4 and Friday session 5. 

    Learning Intention:

    • Expectations for PE and Health
    • Getting to know our routines and expectations
    • Getting to know each other


    • Fun warm up games
    • Man Hunt
    • Capture the Flag


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... to connect with each other and discover more about our peers and whanau 7F2
    • We are EXPLORING... Interpersonal skills and how we can help and support our class
    • We are EXPLORING... how to interact with other people and demonstrate assertive, cooperative and positive behavior strategies
  • 14 February - 20 February

    Kia ora 7F2

    This week you have PEH on Monday Session 4 and Tuesday session 4 and Friday session 5. 

    Learning Intention:

    • Know and Understand the movement concepts of Invasion games and apply into Multi-sport
    • Demonstrate control and Consistency in striking and fielding 
    • Develop and Making Connections - Getting to know each other


    • Fun warm up games
    • Invasion Games Multi sport
    • Striking and Fielding Game - Long Ball
    • Ice breaker/ Team Building Games


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... to connect with each other and discover more about our peers and whanau 7F2
    • We are EXPLORING... Interpersonal skills and how we can help and support our class
    • We are EXPLORING... how to interact and collaborate with other people and demonstrate assertive, cooperative and positive behavior strategies
  • 21 February - 27 February

    Kia ora 7F2

    This week you have PEH on Monday Session 4 and Tuesday session 4. NOT FRIDAY 

    Learning Intention:

    • Know and Understand the movement concepts of Invasion games and apply into CONES.
    • Demonstrate control and Consistency in striking and fielding in ROUNDERS.
    • Develop and Making Connections - Getting to know each other


    • Fun warm up games
    • Invasion Games Cones
    • Striking and Fielding Game - Rounders
    • Ice breaker/ Team Building Games


    • Please complete the google form survey on google classroom


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... enhancing and developing our interpersonal skills
    • We are FOCUSING...Identifying and choosing which interpersonal skills to apply
    • We are FOCUSING... Building our confidence in team games, ABL games and preparing for CAMP day
  • 28 February - 6 March

    Kia ora 7F2

    This week you have PEH on Monday Session 4 and Tuesday session 4. And Friday Session 5 

    Learning Intention:

    • Know and Understand the movement concepts of Invasion games and apply into Caprure The Flag (With Prisons).
    • Demonstrate control and Consistency in striking and fielding in ROUNDERS.
    • Develop and Making Connections - Getting to know each other


    • Fun warm up games
    • Invasion Games Cones
    • Striking and Fielding Game - NON stop rounders
    • Ice breaker/ Team Building Games


    • Please complete the google form survey on google classroom

  • 7 March - 13 March

    Kia ora 7F2

    This week you have PEH on Monday Session 4 and Tuesday session 4. And Friday Session 5 

    Learning Intention:

    • Know and Understand the movement concepts of Invasion games and apply into BENCHBALL.
    • Demonstrate control and Consistency in striking and fielding in NON STOP CRICKET.
    • Develop and Making Connections - Getting to know each other
    • MAN HUNT


    • Fun warm up games
    • Invasion Games - Benchabll
    • Striking and Fielding Game - NON stop Cricket
    • Ice breaker/ Team Building Games


    • Please complete the google form survey on google classroom


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... enhancing and developing our interpersonal skills
    • We are FOCUSING...Identifying and choosing which interpersonal skills to apply
    • We are FOCUSING... Building our confidence in team games, ABL games and preparing for CAMP day
  • 14 March - 20 March

    Kia ora 7F2

    This week you have PEH on Monday Session 4 and Tuesday session 4. And Friday Session 5 

    Learning Intention:

    • Know and Understand the movement concepts of Net and Wall games and apply into VOLLEYBALL.
    • Demonstrate control and Consistency in striking and fielding .
    • Develop and Making Connections - Getting to know each other
    • Football selection - Sports Shield


    • Fun warm up games
    • Net/ Wall Games - Volleyball
    • Invasion Games - Football
    • Striking and Fielding Game 
    • Ice breaker/ Team Building Games


    • Please complete the google form survey on google classroom


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... enhancing and developing our interpersonal skills
    • We are FOCUSING...Identifying and choosing which interpersonal skills to apply
    • We are FOCUSING... Building our confidence in team games, ABL games and preparing for CAMP day
  • 21 March - 27 March

    Kia ora 7F2

    This week you have PEH on Monday Session 4 and Tuesday session 4. And Friday Session 5 

    Learning Intention:

    • Demonstrate control and Consistency in striking and fielding .
    • Develop and Making Connections - Getting to know each other
    • Football selection - Sports Shield


    • Fun warm up games
    • MAN HUNT
    • Invasion Games - Football
    • Striking and Fielding Game 
    • Ice breaker/ Team Building Games


    • Please complete the google form survey on google classroom

  • 28 March - 3 April

    Kia ora 7F2

    This week you have PEH on Monday Session 4 and Tuesday session 4. And Friday Session 5 

    Learning Intention:

    • Demonstrate control and Consistency in striking and fielding .
    • Develop and Making Connections - Getting to know each other
    • Football selection - Sports Shield


    • Fun warm up games
    • MAN HUNT
    • Invasion Games - Football
    • Striking and Fielding Game 
    • Ice breaker/ Team Building Games


    • Please complete the google form survey on google classroom

  • 4 April - 10 April

    Kia Ora 7F2

    I will be away Monday and Tuesday this week.

    Reliever activities - 

    Monday - Volleyball

    Tuesday - Non stop/ Quick Cricket game on Filed

    Friday - Mr Nutt will hopefully be back and look at moving outside for this session for a fun class challenege.

  • 11 April - 17 April

    Kia Ora 7F2

    I will be absent from school this week.

    See reliever in Gym at the start of each session.

    Monday - Volleyball in Gym

    Tuesday - 10F1 will be leading you in some games. (Miss Young to give the instructions at the start)

    Friday - NO school

  • Easter Holidays

    Happy Easter

  • Easter Term 1 Holidays

    Happy Easter

  • 2 May - 8 May

    Welcome back to Term 2.

    This Term we will be changing our Facility Roster.

    Term 2 FOCUS..

    1. New Beginnings - Bodily Changes and Puberty

    2. Cross Country 

    3. New Skills

  • 9 May - 15 May


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... the changes that take place during puberty for boys and girls.
    • We are EXPLORING... discovering changes that are happening to our body
    • We are Investigating the anatomy of the female and male reproductive systems.
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  • 16 May - 22 May


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING on explaining how the male and female reproductive systems work
      • We are FOCUSING on enhancing our knowledge around pads, tampons and menstrual cups
      • We are FOCUSING on choosing ways in which we can ensure we are being safe online
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  • 23 May - 29 May


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING on explaining how the male and female reproductive systems work
      • We are FOCUSING on enhancing our knowledge around pads, tampons and menstrual cups
      • We are FOCUSING on choosing ways in which we can ensure we are being safe online

    Mr Nutt and Girls away Tuesday for Session - Double up with Year 10 Forest

  • 30 May - 5 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING on explaining how the male and female reproductive systems work
      • We are FOCUSING on enhancing our knowledge around pads, tampons and menstrual cups
      • We are FOCUSING on choosing ways in which we can ensure we are being safe online

    Kia ora 7F2

    This week you have PEH on Monday Session 4 and Tuesday session 4. And Friday Session 5 

    Success Criteria:

    • I can label the male reproductive system..
    • I have listed the structure and function of the male reproductive system.
    • I have investigated a change during puberty for males.


    • Watch video
    • Copy Diagram
    • Copy structure and function
    • List questions for changes
    • Research a new change in males ready for expert groups next week

    • File icon
    • Screen Shot 2022-05-30 at 3.00.53 PM.png
  • 6 June - 12 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING on explaining how the male and female reproductive systems work
      • We are FOCUSING on enhancing our knowledge around pads, tampons and menstrual cups
      • We are FOCUSING on choosing ways in which we can ensure we are being safe online

    NO SCHOOL on Monday or Tuesday.... We will do this session on Monday13th June

    Kia ora 7F2

    Success Criteria:

    • I have shared my findings as an expert with a group.
    • I know what Acne is and why it happens.
    • I can make changes to my well being
    • I have investigated a change during puberty for males.


    • Expert groups feedback
    • What is Acne Tasks?
    • What is Odor Tasks?
    • Quiz
    • Introduce assessment 

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    • File icon
  • 13 June - 19 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING on explaining how the male and female reproductive systems work
      • We are FOCUSING on enhancing our knowledge around pads, tampons and menstrual cups
      • We are FOCUSING on choosing ways in which we can ensure we are being safe online

    Kia ora 7F2

    Success Criteria:

    • I have shared my findings as an expert with a group.
    • I know what Acne is and why it happens.
    • I can make changes to my well being
    • I have investigated a change during puberty for males.


    • Expert groups feedback
    • What is Acne Tasks?
    • What is Odor Tasks?
    • Quiz
    • Introduce assessment 

  • 20 June - 26 June


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

      • We are PLANNING on creating a poster so that we can raise others awareness around changes in their body.

    ASSESSMENT DEADLINE = Friday 1st July

  • 27 June - 3 July


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

      • We are PLANNING on creating a poster so that we can raise others awareness around changes in their body.

    Kia ora 7F2

    Success Criteria:

    • I have ran at a pace
    • I can set a time/ goal and achieve this
    • I have challenged myself in distance running


    • Monday session 4 - Cross country practice
    • Tuesday Session 4 - NO PEH as it is the Champions Assembly
    • Friday Session 5 - Rototuna Sports Exchange - Assessment catch ups 

  • 4 July - 10 July


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on puberty challenges and making informed decisions.
    • We have set a challenge for cross country
    • We have measured our times for cross country

    Kia ora 7F2

    Success Criteria:

    • I have acheived my goal for cross country.


    • Monday session 4 - Cross country practice
    • Tuesday Session 4 - Volleyball/ Badminton
    • Friday Session 5 - No school (Early Finish)

  • Holidays


  • Holidays


  • TERM 3 - Week 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING and discovering what the meaning behind the Commonwealth is
      • We are EXPLORING different sports within the Commonwealth games
      • We are EXPLORING different food groups

    Kia Ora 7F2

    This week you have PEH on Monday Session 4 and Friday session 5. 

    Health is Tuesday Session 4. 

    Success Criteria:

    • I know what a carbohydrate, protein & fat is.
    • I can identify where to find carbohydrate, protein & fat in foods.
    • I know what a healthy plate looks like for a 12 year old


    • Watch video
    • Copy Diet Notes
    • Design a Plate
    • Research a healthy plate

    • File icon
    • URL icon
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  • 1 August - 7 August


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING and discovering what the meaning behind the Commonwealth is
      • We are EXPLORING different sports within the Commonwealth games
      • We are EXPLORING different food groups

    Kia Ora 7F2

    This week you have PEH on Monday Session 4 and Friday session 5. 

    Health is Tuesday Session 4. 

    Success Criteria:

    • I know what Fibre is and why it is important in a healthy diet.
    • I can identify where to find fibre.


    • Finish Dinner plate task
    • Watch video
    • Copy Diet Notes
    • Complete Order task
    • Complete Quiz questions
    • Word Find/ Te reo Translate

    • URL icon
    • Screen Shot 2022-08-05 at 11.39.26 AM.png
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  • 8 August - 14 August


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING on developing roles within our team to make our country successful at the "Forest Commonwealth games"
      • We are FOCUSING on enhancing our new skills for different sports we are learning
      • We are FOCUSING on enhancing our involvement within competitive and co-operative games.
      • We are FOCUSING on creating a healthy meal plan

    Kia Ora 7F2

    This week you have PEH on Monday Session 4 and Friday session 5. 

    Health is Tuesday Session 4. 

    Success Criteria:

    • I will know what the Food Pyramid is and understand why it is important when planning my diet 


    • Finish - Word Find/ Te reo Translate
    • Food Pyramid questions - Pairs
    • Copy text
    • Draw Food Pyramid


    • Please bring in x2 pieces of food wrappers ready for next Tuesday

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  • 15 August - 21 August


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING on developing roles within our team to make our country successful at the "Forest Commonwealth games"
      • We are FOCUSING on enhancing our new skills for different sports we are learning
      • We are FOCUSING on enhancing our involvement within competitive and co-operative games.
      • We are FOCUSING on creating a healthy meal plan

    Kia Ora 7F2

    Success Criteria:

    • I will know what a Kilojoule is.
    • I understand basic food labels.
    • I can record my Kj intake
    • I can plan a day of food


    • Copy what is a KJ
    • Look at food wrappers and answer questions
    • Complete the tables on Google classroom to record you daily food and make up a day
    • Use the websites to help work out the amounts


    • Please bring in x2 pieces of food wrappers ready for next Tuesday

  • 22 August - 28 August


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

      • We are PLANNING on creating our own Forest Commonwealth games so that we can demonstrate values and apply our skills learnt to new sports.
      • We are going to Perform a Food Kilojoule challenge
      • We will Design a Meal Plan

    Kia Ora 7F2

    Success Criteria:

    • I will know what a Kilojoule is.
    • I understand the concept of burning a Kilojoule
    • I can relate Kilojoule intake to Kilojoule outout and ENERGY


    • Copy what is a KJ
    • Pick a food
    • Pick an exercise
    • Burn the Energy as a team


  • 29 August - 4 September


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

      • We are PLANNING on creating our own Forest Commonwealth games so that we can demonstrate values and apply our skills learnt to new sports.
      • We are going to Perform a Food Kilojoule challenge
      • We will Design a Meal Plan

    Kia Ora 7F2

    NO HEALTH this week as we are working on our E passports on Monday and will have PE on Tuesday

    Success Criteria:

    • I will know what a biathlon/ Triathlon is.
    • I understand the concept of stamina
    • I can perform in my team to complete a triathlon event


    • Bike or run
    • Team Medal chance


  • 5 September - 11 September

    Kia Ora 7F2

    Success Criteria:

    • I will know what Hauora is and what the 4 areas are. 
    • I understand what I do to help in each part of Hauora


    • Copy what is Hauora
    • List what you do for each area
    • Design a house with what you do for Hauora


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  • 12 September - 18 September

    Kia Ora 7F2

    NO HEALTH this week as we are with Miss Tipene Year 8 and will have PE on Tuesday.

    Success Criteria:

    • I will know what events will take place at Athletics day.
    • I understand the technique and rules for the (Runs, Jumps and Throws)
    • I can perform in a sprint race
    • I can perform in a middle distance race


    • 100m , 200m, 400m, 800/1500m
    • Long Jump, High Jump
    • Shot put, Discuss


  • 19 September - 24 September

    Kia Ora 7F2

    We have... 200m, 800m, Long Jump and High Jump to go....

    Success Criteria:

    • I will know what events will take place at Athletics day.
    • I understand the technique and rules for the (Runs, Jumps and Throws)
    • I can perform in a sprint race
    • I can perform in a middle distance race
    • I can demonstrate the correct jumping technique


    • 100m , 200m, 400m, 800/1500m
    • Long Jump, High Jump
    • Shot put, Discuss


  • 26 September - 2 October

    Kia Ora 7F2

    Success Criteria:

    • I will know what Hauora is and what the 4 areas are. 
    • I understand what I do to help in each part of Hauora


    • Copy what is Hauora
    • List what you do for each area
    • Design a house with what you do for Hauora


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  • 3 October - 9 October

  • Holidays

  • WEEK 1 - Term 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... finding out about each pillar of Hauora and how we can improve and connect with ourselves and others
    • We are EXPLORING...
    • We are EXPLORING...

    Kia Ora 7F2


    Success Criteria:

    • I will know what MENTAL WELLBEING  is and what I can do to support this 
    • I understand what I do to help in each part of Hauora


    • Tane Forest
    • Drawing, Coloring in, Music, Writing


  • 24 October - 30 October


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... finding out about each pillar of Hauora and how we can improve and connect with ourselves and others
    • We are EXPLORING... Heart rates and the power on the heart and how different PE activities can affect this
    • We are EXPLORING...

    Kia Ora 7F2


    Success Criteria:

    • I will know what Spiritual WELLBEING  is and what I can do to support this 
    • I understand what I do to help in each part of Hauora


    • Affirmation card and class task
    • Homework

  • 31 October - 6 November


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... Defining the stages of Hauora
    • We are FOCUSING... Describing how we can improve our Hauora
    • We are FOCUSING...Describing how our bodies react to Physical activity and comparing different PE games

    Kia Ora 7F2


    Success Criteria:

    • I will know what Physical WELLBEING  is and what I can do to support this 
    • I understand what I do to help in each part of Hauora


    • Ti Ariki - Point View Reserve Class Walk


  • 7 November - 13 November

    Kia Ora 7F2


    Success Criteria:

    • I will know what SOCIAL WELLBEING  is and what I can do to support this 
    • I understand what I do to help in each part of Hauora


    • Card games, Board Games, Fun games - Encourage social interaction 


  • 14 November - 20 November

  • 21 November - 27 November

  • 28 November - 4 December

  • 5 December - 11 December

  • 12 December - 18 December