Weekly outline

  • Overview


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on adapting a shoe shape to morph and transform it into a themed sculpture.
    • We are FOCUSING on selecting the appropriate materials and techniques to create our sculpture.
    • We are FOCUSING

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome to art for this year.

    To begin the year we are going to practise our observational drawing using shoes as our theme but the main focus for the term will be on your ability to create a shoe sculpture using theme of your choice.

    .  .   

  • Overview

    This term we are going to practise our observational drawing with a focus on proportion and accuracy of form.  We will also practise shading techniques to ensure that our shoe drawings look realisitc.

    From there we are going to progress to creating a shoe sculpture where we start with a basic shoe and using paper mache and other building techniques, morph it into a completely different form.   

  • Week 1 and 2. Term 1. 7-14 Feb


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the techniques and processes involved in creating a shoe sculpture
    • We are observing the form of shoes and practising how to draw them accurately and in proportion.
  • Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the techniques and processes involved in creating a shoe sculpture
    • We are observing the form of shoes and practising how to draw them accurately and in proportion.
  • Week 4 Term 1


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on adapting a shoe shape to morph and transform it into a themed sculpture.
    • We are FOCUSING on selecting the appropriate materials and techniques to create our sculpture.
    • We are FOCUSING

    Hi Everyone

    This week the focus is to organise all of the materials you need for your shoe sculpture.  You need 

    a shoe shape, cardboard, pva glue, masking tape, foam sheets, polystyrene balls, wool, scissors, paper mache glue, paper , tissue paper.

    There are two help videos below.  Have a look to help you get ideas on the process to create your shoe masterpiece.

  • Week 5 and 6


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on adapting a shoe shape to morph and transform it into a themed sculpture.
    • We are FOCUSING on selecting the appropriate materials and techniques to create our sculpture.
    • We are FOCUSING


  • Week 6

  • Week 7 Term 1

  • Week 8-11

  • Week 1 Term 2

  • Week 2 Term 2

  • 11 April - 17 April

  • 18 April - 24 April

  • 25 April - 1 May

  • Week 1 Term 2

    • Screen Shot 2022-02-08 at 12.40.05 PM.png
  • Week 2 Term 2

    • Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 1.47.57 PM.png
  • Week 3 Term 2

  • Week 4. Term 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to recognise the features and painting techniques used in Expressionistic paintings
    • We are EXPLORING..how to analyse and recognise an expressionistic piece of art.
    • We are EXPLORING..how to research an artist model and select the most important facts of information about them in relation to the subject EXPRESSIONISM

    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on the genre of Expressionism in art
    • We are FOCUSING...portrait artists with an Expressionistic style
    • We are FOCUSING...on developing ideas for our own expressionistic painting based on a prominent person or being

    New Topic:  Expressionistic Portraits

    • URL icon
    • images-1 copy.jpg
  • Week 5. Term 2

  • Week 6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to recognise the features and painting techniques used in Expressionistic paintings
    • We are EXPLORING..how to analyse and recognise an expressionistic piece of art.
    • We are EXPLORING..how to research an artist model and select the most important facts of information about them in relation to the subject EXPRESSIONISM
  • Week 7


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to produce a portrait painting so that we can demonstrate our practical knowledge of colour theory and painting techniques used by Expressionist artists.

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to recognise the features and painting techniques used in Expressionistic paintings
    • We are EXPLORING..how to analyse and recognise an expressionistic piece of art.
    • We are EXPLORING..how to research an artist model and select the most important facts of information about them in relation to the subject EXPRESSIONISM
  • Week 8. Term 2


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to produce a portrait painting so that we can demonstrate our practical knowledge of colour theory and painting techniques used by Expressionist artists.
    • We are working to research our famous person and collect images to transform into a painting.  
    • We are learning to draw our famous person in pencil to show the lights and darks of tone on their face.
  • Week 9


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to produce a portrait painting so that we can demonstrate our practical knowledge of colour theory and painting techniques used by Expressionist artists.
    • Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 11.30.17 AM.png
  • 4 July - 10 July


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to produce a portrait painting so that we can demonstrate our practical knowledge of colour theory and painting techniques used by Expressionist artists.
    • Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 11.30.17 AM.png
  • 11 July - 17 July

  • 18 July - 24 July

  • Week 1 Term 3

  • Week 2 Term 3

  • Week 3 Term 3

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  • Week 4 Term 3

  • Week 5 Term 3

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  • Week 6 Term 3

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  • Week 7 Term 3

  • Week 8. Term 3

  • Week 9 Term 3

    We are learning to demonstrate accurate observational drawing using a variety of drawing mediums.

    Choose one of these skulls to replicate in your book.   Try and recreate the lights and shades with either pencil or pen.

  • Week 10

    We are establishing and refining which pieces of artworkk we will put forward for our final assessment

  • 3 October - 9 October

  • 10 October - 16 October

  • 17 October - 23 October

  • 24 October - 30 October

  • 31 October - 6 November

  • 7 November - 13 November

  • Week 5 Term 4

    There are no OPTION classes for this week due to the school wide eastle and CATS exams

  • Week 6 Term 4

    .  An introduction into understanding photography
      How to create cool videos using your phone
    .  More cool video tips and tricks

  • 28 November - 4 December

  • 5 December - 11 December

  • 12 December - 18 December