Weekly outline

  • General

  • Term 1: Week 1

    Image result for social enterprise

    Kia Ora and a very warm welcome everyone to Social Enterprise!

    I am thrilled to have you all on board and look forward to working with you on all our challenges/tasks and projects.I am sure we will have a great time.

    During the first week we are going to get to know each other better and look at the course expectations.

    Our learning outcome for this week is to be able to understand the definition of Social Enterprise and to be familiar with the different concepts in Enterprise.

    Enjoy the first week back and remember to keep an open mind about new ideas (think outside the box).


    - Welcome and Introductions

    - Google classroom join in

    Class code:


  • Term 1: Week 2

    Image result for personal qualities of an entrepreneur

    Main AO: 

    - Understand how people seek and have sought economic growth through business, enterprise, and innovation.
    Sub AO'S: 

    -Understand how economic decisions impact on people, communities, and nations.

    - Understand how people’s management of resources impacts on environmental and social sustainability.

    - Understand how cultural interaction impacts on cultures and societies.

    - Understand how systems of government in New Zealand operate and affect people’s lives, and how they compare with another system.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Understand the definition and concepts that tie in with our subject of Social Enterprise.
    • Identify and Understand the qualities of enterprising people.
    • Provide examples of entrepreneurs and enterprising people around the community,NZ and the world.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Understood the concept of social enterprise and the qualities of enterprising people.
    • I can recognise the qualities of an enterprising person and could apply most of them to my everyday activities.


    DO NOW: What is Social Enterprise? 

    1. Define words related to enterprise- vocab box
    2. How enterprising are we? Brainstorm the qualities of an enterprising person.
    3. Challenge 1- paper task - Reflections/debriefing of the task
    4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faIFNkdq96U -Caines Arcade
    5. Identify enterprising qualities in different people in and around the community/world. -See Resource List below

    Follow Up Tasks:
    Find articles relating to enterprising people in NZ.


    Toms shoes -example - http://www.toms.com/what-we-give

    Social Entrepreneurs -http://www.forbes.com/impact-30/list.html


  • Term 1: Week 3

    Image result for entrepreneur

    Kia ora everyone

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)....

    • Understand the definition of Social Enterprise
    • Discover collaboration of groups leads to the success of a product
    • Discover the work of successful entrepreneurs

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • A good understanding of what is a Social Enterprise and have come across examples of Social Enterprises
    • Work well with others(different people) in order to complete a task
    • Identify some enterprising skills used by these successful entrepreneurs.



    1. Define the term "entrepreneur"

    2. Slideshow on social entrepreneurs and social enterprise

    3. Why are Social Enterprises a good idea/ concept: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kx9tizvS8NY
    4. Collaboration Task: Paper challenge 1 -rate each group - Debriefing and reflection
    5. Solar energy entrepreneurs:http://climate energy.blogs.panda.org/2014/08/20/renewable-energy-indian-entrepreneurs-use-power-solar/
    6. Identification of skills by these successful global entrepreneurs. - https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/242327

  • Term 1: Week 4

    Types of Social Entrepreneurs - Explore the Best Enterprise - Career Cliff

    Kia ora everyone

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)....

    • Understand the definition of Social Enterprise
    • Discover collaboration of groups leads to the success of a product
    • Discover the work of successful entrepreneurs

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • A good understanding of what is a Social Enterprise and have come across examples of Social Enterprises
    • Work well with others(different people) in order to complete a task
    • Identify some enterprising skills used by these successful entrepreneurs.



    1. Define the term "entrepreneur"

    2. Examples of Social Enterprise -  also refer to the Inspiring stories website.

    3. Why are Social Enterprises a good idea/ concept: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kx9tizvS8NY
    4. Solar energy entrepreneurs:http://climate energy.blogs.panda.org/2014/08/20/renewable-energy-indian-entrepreneurs-use-power-solar/
    5. Identification of skills by these successful global entrepreneurs. - https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/242327
    6. https://thespinoff.co.nz/business/18-04-2018/ten-young-entrepreneurs-new-zealanders-should-know-about/

  • Term 1: Week 5

    Kia ora everyone

    Over the next few weeks you will be using and applying the definition of social enterprise and entrepreneurship into a Project : Be the change Maker. This project will be linked to your Assessment 1.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)....

    • Apply the definition of Social Enterprise and Entrpreneurship to your chosen project
    • Discover collaboration of groups leads to the success of a product
    • Discover and unpack the SDG goals 

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Work well with others(different people) in order to complete a task
    • Use the SDG's to identify both global and local community problems.


    - Brainstorm local community issues

    - Example : Sock drop :(To draw inspiration)

  • Term 1: Week 6

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Kia ora everyone

    Over the next few weeks you will be using and applying the definition of social enterprise and entrepreneurship into a Project : Be the change Maker. This project will be linked to your Assessment 1.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)....

    • Apply the definition of Social Enterprise and Entrpreneurship to your chosen project
    • Discover collaboration of groups leads to the success of a product
    • Discover and unpack the SDG goals 

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Work well with others(different people) in order to complete a task
    • Use the SDG's to identify both global and local community problems.


    - Select your problem from brainstorm

    - Use google doc template to begin the project.Refer to google classroom

  • Term 1: Week 7

    Problem Solving Challenge. #Solve it | by Khadija Naveed | Medium

    Kia ora everyone

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)....

    •  Brainstorm our problem using the IDEO’s 7 Rules of Brainstorming

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Brainstorming in detail to Finding the best solutions to our identified problem


    - Use the goggle doc on google classroom to identify the solutions

  • Term 1: Week 8

    Kia ora everyone

    Over the next few weeks you will be using and applying the definition of social enterprise and entrepreneurship into a Project : Be the change Maker. This project will be linked to your Assessment 1.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)....

    • Create our product/prototype
    • Discover collaboration of groups leads to the success of a product/prototype

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Work well with others(different people) in order to complete the building process


    - Using guidance from your teacher and the google doc, you are to begin creating your product/prototype this week.


    - Think of resources required

    - communicate with your team members

    - Work both at home and school

  • Term 1: Week 9

    Kia ora everyone

    Over the next few weeks you will be using and applying the definition of social enterprise and entrepreneurship into a Project : Be the change Maker. This project will be linked to your Assessment 1.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)....

    • Assess our product/prototype
    • Discover collaboration of groups leads to the success of a product/prototype

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Work well with others(different people) in order to complete the building process


    - Creating the product/prototype

    - Assessing the completed product

    - Making changes/add ons to the product

    - Working on your slideshow -  refer to the google classroom page

  • Term 1: Week 10


    - Work on your slideshow before you present next week and celebrate your success.

  • Term 1: Week 11

    Principles of assessment - THE EDUCATION HUB

    Kia Ora  

    This is your FINAL WEEK for your Assessment

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Use our innovation skills in making a product/prototype to an exisiting problem
    • To display and showcase a range of Enterprising skills through creating a product/prototype

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • I can apply innovation and creativity successfully to my Assessment One
    • I can produce an innovative product/prototype that responds to a community challenge


    1. Product/prototype and presentation to be assessed in class - team effort
    2. Upload all assessment work by 12 April: 8pm
    3. Work for Thursday: 14 April (Check google classroom)- complete case studies (Task 1 and 2)

  • 18 April - 24 April

  • 25 April - 1 May

  • Term 2: Week 1

    Kia Ora  

    For this week you will be applying the concept of innovation to your Assessment One. You will be presenting your assessment to finalise your grade.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Use our innovation skills in making a product within a team setting
    • To display and showcase a range of Enterprising skills through presenting our product

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • I can apply innovation successfully to my Assessment One
    • I can present a  product that responds to a community challenge


    - Presenting our product for Assessment 1

    - Reflection on Assessment One: Team Work

    - Introduction to Topic 2 for term 2

    - Complete case studies from Term 1

  • Term 2: Week 2

    Financial Literacy - Full Video - YouTube

    Kia Ora  

    For this week you will be looking at the introduction of financial Literacy

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Understand basic concepts in financial literacy
    • Understand the importance of money

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • More awareness  of the importance of money
    • Understand personal finance and budgeting


    - Vocab box - Basic concepts

    - Mind over money with Nigel Latta

    - Financial literacy comprehension task

  • Term 2: Week 3

    6 Tips to Manage Your Money Better

    Kia ora everyone

    This week, we will focus on budgeting.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Understand the concepts of financial literacy
    • Discover their financial values

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Understand the relationship between the concepts studied and how we can apply this in a practical situation
    • Understand the principles of managing money


    - Understanding the concepts using the payslip as an example

    - Nigel Latta - Mind over money Video

    - Activity workbook 1: Budgeting, SMART goals

  • Term 2: Week 4

    How to support your employees with budgeting and financial planning skills

    Kia ora everyone

    This week, we will focus on budgeting.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Understand the concepts of needs and wants and budgeting
    • Discover their financial values

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Understand the importance of budgeting and financial planning


    - Using Activity workbook - Complete some tasks as homework

    - SMART Goals, Financial planning

    - Q & A - Answering your questions from last week on Financial literacy

  • Term 2: Week 5

    How to support your employees with budgeting and financial planning skills

    Kia ora everyone

    This week, we will focus on budgeting.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Understand the concepts of needs and wants and budgeting
    • Discover their financial values

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Understand the importance of budgeting and financial planning


    - Planning for Budget for yourself

    - Q & A - Answering your questions from last week on Financial literacy

  • Term 2: Week 6

    Bank accounts | ANZSaving Account Fees Overview - Chime Banking

    Kia ora everyone

    This week, we will focus on banking

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Learn about the different types of bank accounts available 
    • Understand the difference between simple and compound interest.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Understand the banking process


    - Using Activity workbook 2 - In class and homework activities 

    - EP tasks

    - Moneytime

  • Term 2: Week 7

    Kia Ora  

    For this week you will viewing videos on the importance of managing money and you will learn about your "money personality"

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Understand the importance of money

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • More awareness of the importance of money
    • Understand personal finance and budgeting
    • I can understand the basics of tax


    - Mind over money with Nigel Latta

    - Moneytime - Budgeting module

    - Making your own budget

  • Term 2: Week 8

    Kia ora Everyone

    Please note that Market Day takes place in Term 4: Week 2. Please diarise this date: 26 October.

    AO: Understand how exploration and innovation create opportunities and challenges for people, places, and environments. 

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Explore a range of advertisements from local newspapers, videos etc to gain an understanding of what is a market place.

    • Understand the different types of markets.

    • Understand the terms consumers and producers and determine what is their role involves in the market place.

    • Understand what is target audience

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Understand the different types of markets.

    • Developed extensive knowledge of core key terms that would assist my understanding of market day.

    • Understand the role local markets plays in our community.

    • Define and describe what is a target audience


    1. Define: Street market  and famers market

    2. Vocab box : Distribution, Markets, Buyers (Consumers), Sellers, Prices, Goods and Services, Sales Revenue, Costs, Profits, Marketing, Transaction, Consumer Rights, etc

  • Term 2: Week 9

    Kia Ora Everyone

    This week we will be focusing on the Introduction to marketing.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Understand how market research is part of a planning process.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Define the concept of Marketing

    • Understand market research and the importance of market research


    1. Research the difference about Marketing and Advertising

    2. Create a group definition of what marketing means...

    3. Draft ideas for Assessment -Promoting Market day
    4. Brainstorm using ideas from the internet
    5. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each idea?
    6. Market research
    7. Skills doc to complete

  • Term 2: Week 10

    The 4Ps Marketing Mix, and what it means for charities ~ Just Tell Stories

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Learning Intentions
    • Explore the process of marketing in a business

    Success Criteria
    • We can define marketing 
    • We can identify the P's of the marketing mix


    - Using Case studies to understanding to the marketing mix

  • 11 July - 17 July

  • 18 July - 24 July

  • Term 3: Week 1

    Food Safety Definition & Why is Food Safety Important

    Data Collection Icon. Market research. Information about market Stock  Vector Image & Art - Alamy

    Kia Ora Everyone

    This week you will focus on the feedback from your market research data and developing your health and safety guideline/doc for your 1 baked item.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Understand how market research is part of a planning process.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Using market research to determine final product/s



    1. Using feedback/responses from your google form, you and your group are to decide on your final product/s

    2. Decide who will be making the product/s


    1. Decide on your food product.(1  baked food per group). Consider allergies when deciding on your product - consider if you are going to think about dietary requirements like gluten free options etc.

    2. Once decided, please draft the health and safety requirements that would be followed to make the product.
    3. Identify person/people involved in making this product
    4. Proofread the H & S guideline by all group members
    5. Once finished - email to Mrs Selagan

  • Term 3: Week 2

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Now that you have a final list of your products for your respective groups, will now focus on the building your Business ( as a group) in preparation for market day.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Begin the planning process for Market Day

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Using our final product decisions to inform our final market day plan and information


    - As a group you are read the google doc titled" Market Day Plan & Information 2022" on google classroom and complete the introduction as a group. The team leaders will type the information and lead the discussion. All students are required to participate by providing ideas and input.
    - As a group please complete the introduction section of the document - due 2 August 2022

  • Term 3: Week 3

    KOT Market Day on Twitter: "Markets are closed. Customers are staying at  home. Meet potential buyers on #KOTMarketDay… "

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Begin the promotion process for Market Day

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Using our final product decisions to advertise our product


    - Decide on your final products that you will be selling during market day and assign roles and responsibilities to each person- use your market research data to make your final choice. I will visiting each group to discuss the final choices.

    - Begin assessment 2: Promoting your product/s for Market Day

    - Continue working as a group with the google doc titled" Market Day Plan & Information 2022" on google classroom and complete the introduction as a group. The team leaders will type the information and lead the discussion. All students are required to participate by providing ideas and input.

  • Term 3: Week 4

    KOT Market Day on Twitter: "Markets are closed. Customers are staying at  home. Meet potential buyers on #KOTMarketDay… "

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Begin the promotion process for Market Day

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Using our final product decisions to advertise our product


    - Begin assessment 2: Promoting your product/s for Market Day

    - Continue working as a group with the google doc titled" Market Day Plan & Information 2022" on google classroom and complete the introduction as a group. The team leaders will type the information and lead the discussion. All students are required to participate by providing ideas and input.

    - Think of collecting a start capital per person per group

    - Begin producing your products. 

    - Health and safety procedures to be proofread and forwarded to Mr Naidoo.

  • Term 3: Week 5

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Now that you have a final list of your products for your respective groups, will now focus on the building your Business ( as a group) in preparation for market day.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Plan for Market Day

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Using the four P'S of marketing to direct our market day plan and information


    DO NOW: Quiz on Logo and colour

    - Continue working on the the google doc titled" Market Day Plan & Information 2022" on google classroom and begin working on the heading titled the"Marketing mix"

    - Team leaders to collect start up money.

    - Using your final list of products, you and your group will complete the "Marketing Mix Section"

    - Begin to make a list of items to purchase - start bringing in items to produce from Thursday - 25 August

  • Term 3: Week 6

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Your focus this week is to complete your Market Day plan focusing specifically on completing the Marketing Mix- paying specfic attention to the price.

    You should also begin producing your items for market day.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Plan for Market Day

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Using the four P'S of marketing to direct our market day plan and information


    1. Reminder Homework: Assessment 2: Promoting your market day product/s (The rubric is on google classroom)

    2. Keeping your receipts in your subgroups, calculate the price of your product.

    3. Bring your resources for manufacturing your products

  • Term 3: Week 7

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Your focus this week is to begin manufacturing your products.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Make our products in preparation for Market Day

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Using the P's of marketing I can apply these concepts this when producing my product


    1. Reminder Homework: Assessment 2: Promoting your market day product/s (The rubric is on google classroom)

    2. Keeping your receipts in your subgroups, calculate the price of your product.

    3. Bring your resources for manufacturing your products

  • Term 3: Week 8

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Your focus this week is to begin manufacturing your products.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Make our products in preparation for Market Day

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Using the P's of marketing I can apply these concepts this when producing my product


    1. Reminder Homework: Assessment 2: Promoting your market day product/s (The rubric is on google classroom)

    2. Keeping your receipts in your subgroups, calculate the price of your product.

    3. Bring your resources for manufacturing your products

    4. Please follow the timeframe to the countdown to Market Day - Wednesday: 26 October 2022.

  • Term 3: Week 9

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Make our products in preparation for Market Day

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Using the P's of marketing I can apply these concepts this when producing my product


    1. Reminder Homework: Assessment 2: Promoting your market day product/s (The rubric is on google classroom)

    2. Keeping your receipts in your subgroups, calculate the price of your product.

    3. Bring your resources for manufacturing your products

    4. Please follow the timeframe to the countdown to Market Day - Wednesday: 26 October 2022.

    5. Follow the timeline on Google classroom

  • Term 3: Week 10

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Make our products in preparation for Market Day

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Using the P's of marketing I can apply these concepts this when producing my product


    1. Reminder Homework: Assessment 2: Promoting your market day product/s (The rubric is on google classroom)

    2. Keeping your receipts in your subgroups, calculate the price of your product.

    3. Bring your resources for manufacturing your products

    4. Please follow the timeframe to the countdown to Market Day - Wednesday: 26 October 2022.

    5. Follow the timeline on google classroom

  • 3 October - 9 October

  • 10 October - 16 October

  • Term 4: Week 1

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Make our products in preparation for Market Day

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Using the P's of marketing I can apply these concepts this when producing my product


    1. Please follow the timeframe to the countdown to Market Day - Wednesday: 26 October 2022.

     2.Follow the timeline on Google classroom

    3. Use the checklist on google classroom to determine if you are ready or not.

  • Term 4: Week 2

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Prepare for Market Day

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Used my team's checklist to determine if I am ready for the actual day


    1. Please organise your items for your market day:Wednesday: 26 October 2022.

    2. Wednesday: Session 4 - selected students will organise and set the tables for market day. List of names to be submitted to Mrs Selagan by Tuesday: 25th Oct during Session 3.

    3. Quality check and confirm prices of all products

    4. Check signage for each stall - get sellotape, bluetack, string to put them up. 

    5. Thursday: 27 October: Calculate profits and decide on organisation where profits will be donated.

  • Term 4: Week 3

    Kia Ora Everyone

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Reflect on Market Day

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Reflected on the market day process


    1. Please complete Market Day evaluation sheet

    2. Discuss results from evaluation sheet


  • Term 4: Week 4

    Kia Ora Everyone

    This week we begin the last topic for the year: Consumer rights

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Understand Consumer rights

    • Understand basic financial literacy

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Developed a basic understanding of my rights and responsibilities as a consumer

    • I understand how Kiwi saver works.

    • I understand the different types of accounts and their benefits

    • I understand what to look our for recognising phishing scams when making online purchases: 


    1. Discuss results from evaluation sheet

    2. Online scavenger hunt -understanding basic concepts linked to Consumerism

    3. Savy workshops - Basic financial literacy - Thursday -10th November at 12pm

  • Term 4: Week 5

    Kia Ora Everyone

    This week we continue with our topic on Consumer rights

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Consumer rights website

    • Understand the terms consumer trade act and fair trade act

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Developed an understanding of our rights and responsibilities as a consumer. 


    1. Slideshow info and scenarios and videos

    2. Explore the Consumer rights website: https://www.consumer.org.nz/

    3. On a google doc, draft some points on what new idea. you have learnt after exploring their site.

    4. Teacher survey/google form: Please complete

  • Term 4: Week 6

    Kia Ora Everyone

    This week we continue with our topic on Consumer rights

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Consumer rights website

    • Understand the terms consumer trade act and fair trade act

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Developed an understanding of our rights and responsibilities as a consumer. 


    Articles of interest: Must Read




  • Term 4: Week 7

    Image result for consumers and producers

    Kia ora everyone

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • to understand how producers and consumers exercise their rights and meet their responsibilities.
    • to understand how people view and use places differently.
    • to understand how people make decisions about access to and use of resources.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Applied the concept of consumerism and now understand my rights as a consumer.
    • Am aware of different types of advertising and how this impacts the consumer.


    1. Apply concepts to a supermarket/grocery store example
    2. http://online.mhjc.school.nz/pluginfile.php/95090/mod_resource/content/1/Supermarket%20Persuasion.mp4
    3. http://online.mhjc.school.nz/pluginfile.php/94810/mod_resource/content/1/1_%20BAIT%20ADVERTISING.mp4
    4. http://online.mhjc.school.nz/pluginfile.php/94811/mod_resource/content/1/2_%20FINE%20PRINT.mp4
    5. http://online.mhjc.school.nz/pluginfile.php/94812/mod_resource/content/1/3_%20MADE%20IN%20NEW%20ZEALAND%20CLAIMS.mp4
    6. http://online.mhjc.school.nz/pluginfile.php/94813/mod_resource/content/1/4_%20HEALTH%20AND%20NUTRITION%20CLAIMS.mp4
    7. Complete supporting activities (attached

  • Term 4: Week 8

    Kia ora everyone

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Reflect on the year in my Social Enterprise Class.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Applied the skills that I have developed in my Social Enterprise class and I will continue using this in my future planning.


    1. Google doc reflection

  • Term 4: Week 9

    Kia Ora

    It was a pleasure teaching you. Have a great festive season and rest up.

    Take Care

    Mrs Selagan