Weekly outline

  • General

  • 31 January - 6 February

    Kia ora year 10's

    Welcome back to Mountains whanau, I hope you have all had a wonderful and restful break and are ready to learn, have fun and grow!

    This term we will be focusing on the context:  Sports this will involve developing your movement and hand eye coordination, accuracy and skill in Tennis and Table Tennis, as well as a number of team building activities and games! We are collaborating with Mr Lal for Maths :)

    I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all a bit better this year.

    A reminder that we will have our P.E. sessions every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday - please remember your PE gear, hat and water bottle (these are compulsory).  Our Health sessions will be finalised in week 2

    Activities: Getting to know you activities and team building challenges

  • 7 February - 13 February

    Kia ora year 10's

    I hope you had a good Waitangi day long weekend with your whanau, and are refreshed and excited to get stuck into some learning!  A massive thank you for your efforts in welcoming the students to whanau this past week, you have already made a good impression on them and I encourage you to continue in this positive manner.

    Monday S1: Gym - where we will focus on agility and skills required to play tennis and similar racquet sports

    Wednesday S2: Kapua  - where we will work on serving and playing the correct tennis shots. We will also play a mini tournament towards the end of term

    Thursday S2: Health in M11 - we will look at the strands 'Community resources' and 'People and the environment'

    Wednesday: Introduction to Tennis

    Thursday: ABL & get to know you games (Ako, Awhinatanga and Pono)


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... tennis, table tennis and badminton sports to discover hand eye coordination,
    • We are EXPLORING... tennis, table tennis and badminton sports to classify different racquet sports
    • We are EXPLORING... tennis, table tennis and badminton sports to recognise, interpret and analyse the different shots required to beat your opponent
    • We are EXPLORING... leadership to connect and collaborate with others, empathise with those around us and discover more of our selves

    Success criteria: I am able to.....

    • complete the agility and reaction exercises against my partner
    • control the ball whilst bouncing on a racquet for 1 minute
    • complete a rally against my partner by playing groundstrokes

  • 14 February - 20 February

    Lessons for the term: 

    Monday S1: Gym - where we will focus on agility and skills required to play tennis and similar racquet sports

    Wednesday S2: Kapua  - where we will work on serving and playing the correct tennis shots. We will also play a mini tournament towards the end of term

    Thursday S2: Health in M11 - we will look at the strands 'Community resources' and 'People and the environment'


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... tennis, table tennis and badminton sports to discover hand eye coordination,
    • We are EXPLORING... tennis, table tennis and badminton sports to classify different racquet sports
    • We are EXPLORING... tennis, table tennis and badminton sports to recognise, interpret and analyse the different shots required to beat your opponent
    • We are EXPLORING... leadership to connect and collaborate with others, empathise with those around us and discover more of our selves

    Success criteria: I am able to.....

    • complete the agility and target exercises (log progress)
    • learning to serve using the drop or overhead method and being able to return your partner's serve
    • play and return a volley shot 


    Monday: Agility & Tennis skills in Gym

    Wednesday: Serving and volley shots (Ako)

    Thursday: Leadership (Awhinatanga and Pono)

  • 21 February - 27 February

    Lessons for the term: 

    Monday S1: Gym - where we will focus on agility and skills required to play tennis and similar racquet sports

    Wednesday S2: Kapua  - where we will work on serving and playing the correct tennis shots. We will also play a mini tournament towards the end of term

    Thursday S2: Health in M11 - we will look at the strands 'Community resources' and 'People and the environment'


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... tennis, table tennis and badminton sports to discover hand eye coordination,
    • We are EXPLORING... tennis, table tennis and badminton sports to classify different racquet sports
    • We are EXPLORING... tennis, table tennis and badminton sports to recognise, interpret and analyse the different shots required to beat your opponent
    • We are EXPLORING... leadership to connect and collaborate with others, empathise with those around us and discover more of our selves


    Monday: Testing of 3 Tennis skills in Gym

    Wednesday: Serving and volley shots - continuation from last week (Ako)

    Thursday: Leadership activities and ABL Games (Awhinatanga and Pono)

  • 28 February - 6 March

    Lessons for the term: 

    Monday S1: Gym - where we will focus on agility and skills required to play tennis and similar racquet sports

    Wednesday S2: Kapua  - where we will work on serving and playing the correct tennis shots. We will also play a mini tournament towards the end of term

    Thursday S2: Health in M11 - we will look at the strands 'Community resources' and 'People and the environment'


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on leadership, how to identify the leader within ourselves and others
    • We are FOCUSING... on how to develop leadership skills
    • We are FOCUSING... on how to choose and select the correct tennis shot during a game
    • We are FOCUSING... on how to enhance our skills in tennis

    Success criteria:

    • I have learnt how to serve, either using the drop shot or overhead shot
    • I have learnt about my personality and leadership type
    • I have learnt what characteristics make a good leader


    Monday - Final session of baseline testing of tennis skills. Badminton round robin matches

    Wednesday - Drop/ Overhead serve practice and development of shot selections

    Thursday - Leadership activity on Google classroom 

  • 7 March - 13 March

    Lessons for the term: 

    Monday S1: Gym - where we will focus on agility and skills required to play tennis and similar racquet sports

    Wednesday S2: Kapua  - where we will work on serving and playing the correct tennis shots. We will also play a mini tournament towards the end of term

    Thursday S2: Health in M11 - we will look at the strands 'Community resources' and 'People and the environment'


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on leadership, how to identify the leader within ourselves and others
    • We are FOCUSING... on how to develop leadership skills
    • We are FOCUSING... on how to choose and select the correct tennis shot during a game
    • We are FOCUSING... on how to enhance our skills in tennis

    Success criteria:

    • I have learnt how to serve, either using the drop shot or overhead shot
    • I have learnt about my personality and leadership type
    • I have learnt what characteristics make a good leader


    Monday -  Badminton King of the court. Self nominated Tennis skills session with Ms W

    Wednesday - Drop/ Overhead serve practice and development of shot selections. Mr Lal will explain Maths coordinates using a Tennis serve

    Thursday - Leadership activities & discussions

  • 14 March - 20 March

    Lessons for the term: 

    Monday S1: Gym - where we will focus on agility and skills required to play tennis and similar racquet sports

    Wednesday S2: Kapua  - where we will work on serving and playing the correct tennis shots. We will also play a mini tournament towards the end of term

    Thursday S2: Health in M11 - we will look at the strands 'Community resources' and 'People and the environment'


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on leadership, how to identify the leader within ourselves and others
    • We are FOCUSING... on how to develop leadership skills
    • We are FOCUSING... on how to choose and select the correct tennis shot during a game
    • We are FOCUSING... on how to enhance our skills in tennis

    Success criteria:

    • I have learnt how to serve, either using the drop shot or overhead shot
    • I have learnt about my personality and leadership type
    • I have learnt what characteristics make a good leader
    • I have explored Responsible Behaviours 


    Monday -  Badminton King of the court. Self nominated Tennis skills session with Ms W

    Wednesday - Drop/ Overhead serve practice and development of shot selections. Practice tennis coordinates for Maths

    Thursday - Responsible Behaviours https://classroom.google.com/c/NTA5OTg0MTQ0MjJa/a/NDgxOTE4MTYyMTAy/details

  • 21 March - 27 March

    Lessons for the term: 

    Monday S1: Gym - where we will focus on agility and skills required to play tennis and similar racquet sports

    Wednesday S2: Kapua  - where we will work on serving and playing the correct tennis shots. We will also play a mini tournament towards the end of term

    Thursday S2: Health in M11 - we will look at the strands 'Community resources' and 'People and the environment'


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... to apply and demonstrate the tennis skills we have learnt in our testing
    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... demonstrate and promote leadership in our everyday lives
    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... demonstrate and promote Responsible behaviours

    Success criteria:

    • I have learnt how to serve, either using the drop shot or overhead shot
    • I have developed my tennis skills to hit a target over 4M, hit cones over 6M or hit the ball into a bucket over 6M.
    • I have explorethe 8 Responsible Behaviours and can identify and define them giving an example of each


    Monday -  Selected tennis skills TESTING https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Zx-VvDNK5ZG_2bUFeLxdvdpMeFeIpC0vTaj0xbXiIs/edit#gid=0

    Wednesday - Drop/ Overhead serve TESTING https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Zx-VvDNK5ZG_2bUFeLxdvdpMeFeIpC0vTaj0xbXiIs/edit#gid=0

    Thursday - Responsible Behaviours activity will be posted on Google Classroom

  • 28 March - 3 April

    Lessons for the term: 

    Monday S1: Gym - where we will focus on agility and skills required to play tennis and similar racquet sports

    Wednesday S2: Kapua  - where we will work on serving and playing the correct tennis shots. We will also play a mini tournament towards the end of term

    Thursday S2: Health in M11 - we will look at the strands 'Community resources' and 'People and the environment'


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... to apply and demonstrate the tennis skills we have learnt in our testing
    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... demonstrate and promote leadership in our everyday lives
    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... demonstrate and promote Responsible behaviours

    Success criteria:

    • I have learnt how to serve, either using the drop shot or overhead shot
    • I have developed my tennis skills to hit a target over 4M, hit cones over 6M or hit the ball into a bucket over 6M.
    • I have explorethe 8 Responsible Behaviours and can identify and define them giving an example of each


    Wednesday - Drop/ Overhead serve TESTING https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Zx-VvDNK5ZG_2bUFeLxdvdpMeFeIpC0vTaj0xbXiIs/edit#gid=0

    Thursday - Responsible Behaviours activity 3 will be posted on Google Classroom

  • 4 April - 10 April

    Lessons for the term: 

    Monday S1: Gym - where we will focus on agility and skills required to play tennis and similar racquet sports

    Wednesday S2: Kapua  - where we will work on serving and playing the correct tennis shots. We will also play a mini tournament towards the end of term

    Thursday S2: Health in M11 - we will look at the strands 'Community resources' and 'People and the environment'


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... to apply and demonstrate the tennis skills we have learnt in our testing
    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... demonstrate and promote leadership in our everyday lives
    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... demonstrate and promote Responsible behaviours

    Success criteria:

    • I have learnt how to serve, either using the drop shot or overhead shot
    • I have developed my tennis skills to hit a target over 4M, hit cones over 6M or hit the ball into a bucket over 6M.
    • I have explorethe 8 Responsible Behaviours and can identify and define them giving an example of each


    Monday - Tennis skills TESTING https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Zx-VvDNK5ZG_2bUFeLxdvdpMeFeIpC0vTaj0xbXiIs/edit#gid=0

    Wednesday - Tennis skills TESTING (FINAL SESSION)  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Zx-VvDNK5ZG_2bUFeLxdvdpMeFeIpC0vTaj0xbXiIs/edit#gid=0

    Thursday - Responsible Behaviours activity 4 will be posted on Google Classroom

  • 11 April - 17 April

    Lessons for the term: 

    Monday S1: Gym - where we will focus on agility and skills required to play tennis and similar racquet sports

    Wednesday S2: Kapua  - where we will work on serving and playing the correct tennis shots. We will also play a mini tournament towards the end of term

    Thursday S2: Health in M11 - we will look at the strands 'Community resources' and 'People and the environment'


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... to apply and demonstrate the tennis skills we have learnt in our testing across similar sports like badminton, table tennis and volleyball
    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... demonstrate and promote leadership in our everyday lives
    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... demonstrate and promote Responsible behaviours

    Success criteria:

    • I have learnt how to serve, either using the drop shot or overhead shot
    • I have developed my tennis skills to use across similar sports
    • I have explorethe 8 Responsible Behaviours and can identify and define them giving an example of each


    Monday - Table tennis, badminton and volley ball

    Wednesday - Class challenge against 10F2

    Thursday - Responsible Behaviours activities

  • 18 April - 24 April

  • 25 April - 1 May

  • 2 May - 8 May


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on identifying risks and how to mitigate them
    • We are FOCUSING... on solving problems in team work activities
    • We are FOCUSING... on developing a good response and explain how we demonstrate responsible behaviours for safety

    Kia ora year 10's

    Welcome back to an exciting and busy term 2! This term we will explore Auckland and demonstrating  Responsible behaviours for safety within the context risk vs reward! 

    In Physical Education, you will be looking at key responsible behaviours for safety and how the use of these make Outdoor Education opportunities more sustainable from a health and safety perspective. Both in New Zealand and around the world. During class time, you will have opportunities to learn about different responsible behaviours for safety that are required in outdoor education activities.  You will have many opportunities to demonstrate these behaviours during practical sessions.  Knowledge about these safety behaviours will be gained through classroom and practical sessions.  You will then take your gained knowledge and demonstrate your key responsible behaviours for safety in 2 outdoor education activities off school site. You will be assessed on how well you demonstrate these responsible behaviours for safety and how well you can understand these responsible behaviours for safety.

  • 9 May - 15 May


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on identifying risks and how to mitigate them
    • We are FOCUSING... on solving problem in team work activities
    • We are FOCUSING... on responsible behaviours by explaining safety procedures and strategies to manage risk situations

    Kia ora year 10's

    This week we will continue focusing a range of safety behaviours in preparation for your Waka Ama trip next week.

    Monday: ABL activities that focus on your group/ team safely navigating an activity using benches

    Wednesday: Team game of Multisport

    Thursday: Selecting your 2 responsible behaviours that you will be assessed on during the Waka Ama trip and completing a responsible behaviours activity

    NCEA PEH Assessment task shared with students via Google Doc

    Responsible behaviours definitions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vEFxd5lq70_RUfF7guiDY99dkESCzWGx9k7vlbkkpNc/edit

  • 16 May - 22 May


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on identifying risks and how to mitigate them
    • We are FOCUSING... on solving problem in team work activities
    • We are FOCUSING... on responsible behaviours by explaining safety procedures and strategies to manage risk situations


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... for our outdoor activities so that we can... demonstrate and show our understanding of the responsible behaviours


    • Complete   the activity called “Responsible Behaviours: Understanding Physical and Emotional safety and turn in on Google Classroom (due date was yesterday...) 

    Wednesday: Waka Ama Trip - email sent last week with gear list and details of trip etc - do not be late to school!!!!

    Thursday: You will complete your write up in M11 during your hour long Health lesson, this cannot be missed so please do not be late! You will upload your assessment to Outdoor Activity #1 Upload Spot on 19 May


  • 23 May - 29 May


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... for our outdoor activities so that we can... demonstrate and show our understanding of the responsible behaviours


    • Cookers and Cooking safety - slides uploaded onto MHOL
    • Planning a trip - safety code
    • Class challenge of Prison break - keeping in mind 2 responsible behaviours
    • Reflection on class challenge of Prison break - keeping in mind 2 responsible behaviours document uploaded onto MHOL 

  • 30 May - 5 June


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... for our outdoor activities so that we can... demonstrate and show our understanding of the responsible behaviours


    • Practicing Responsible behaviours for Safety playing a whole class game of Multi Sport
    • Planning menu and equipment for tramp

  • 6 June - 12 June


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... for our outdoor activities so that we can... demonstrate and show our understanding of the responsible behaviours


    • Practicing Responsible behaviours for Safety using gas cookers
    • Planning menu and equipment for tramp

  • 13 June - 19 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on identifying risks and how to mitigate them
    • We are FOCUSING... on solving problem in team work activities
    • We are FOCUSING... on responsible behaviours by explaining safety procedures and strategies to manage risk situations


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... for our outdoor activities so that we can... demonstrate and show our understanding of the responsible behaviours

    Monday: Whole class game

    : Point View Reserve tramp  - email sent last week with gear list and details of trip etc - do not be late to school!!!!

    Thursday: You will complete your write up in M11 during your hour long Health lesson, this cannot be missed so please do not be late! You will upload your assessment to Outdoor Activity #2Upload Spot on 16 June


  • 20 June - 26 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on identifying risks and how to mitigate them
    • We are FOCUSING... on solving problem in team work activities
    • We are FOCUSING... on responsible behaviours by explaining safety procedures and strategies to manage risk situations


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... for our outdoor activities so that we can... demonstrate and show our understanding of the responsible behaviours


    Health:  Risks and laws of vaping - videos and class discussion
    Class challenge: class choice
    Cross Country practice 


  • 27 June - 3 July


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on identifying risks and how to mitigate them
    • We are FOCUSING... on solving problem in team work activities
    • We are FOCUSING... on responsible behaviours by explaining safety procedures and strategies to manage risk situations


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... for our outdoor activities so that we can... demonstrate and show our understanding of the responsible behaviours

    Class challenge: Prison break
    Cross Country practice 


  • 4 July - 10 July

  • 11 July - 17 July

  • 18 July - 24 July

  • 25 July - 31 July

    Kia ora year 10's and welcome back to term 3! A very warm Mountains whanau welcome to Mr Smith who will be teaching you PEH until the end of the year!

    This term you will be preparing for your CAT (written mid term 4) by learning about the F.I.T.T. principle and attending Mates and Dates sessions. Both fit into the context of Advocating Activists and Synergy as you learn more about yourself and how to improve your personal fitness and physical safety and advocate for yourself!

    Have fun and learn lots about yourself setting and reaching your personal fitness goals!


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... to discover the F.I.T.T. principle of exercise and movement
    • We are EXPLORING... to classify the F.I.T.T. principle of exercise and movement
    • We are EXPLORING... to discover and classify sexual education as part of the Mates and Dates programme

  • 1 August - 7 August


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... to discover the F.I.T.T. principle of exercise and movement
    • We are EXPLORING... to classify the F.I.T.T. principle of exercise and movement
    • We are EXPLORING... to discover and classify sexual education as part of the Mates and Dates programme
  • 8 August - 14 August


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... to discover the F.I.T.T. principle of exercise and movement
    • We are EXPLORING... to classify the F.I.T.T. principle of exercise and movement
    • We are EXPLORING... to discover and classify sexual education as part of the Mates and Dates programme

    Kia Ora Year 10's 45,836 Funny Running Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

    This week are developing goals around our F.I.T.T programs relating to athletics as we have athletics day coming up next term and we want Mountains to clean up! We will be developing our techniques in a variety of events focusing on our core goals of STRENGTH and CARDIO 

    Plan for Yr 10's (week 3)

    Week 3:

    • Monday  (10M1PEH) - Starting our F.I.T.T goals with an athletic event as well (if necessary may spend most of the lesson in class deciding on a strength/cardio athletic event

    • Tuesday (10M2PEH) - Starting our F.I.T.T goals with an athletic event as well (if necessary may spend most of the lesson in class deciding on a strength/cardio athletic event

    • Wednesday (10M1PEH & 10M2PEH) - Continuation of F.I.T.T. goals (preferably athletics due to athletics day coming up)

    • Thursday (10M1PEH & 10M2PEH) - MATES & DATES

  • 15 August - 21 August


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... to discover the F.I.T.T. principle of exercise and movement
    • We are EXPLORING... to classify the F.I.T.T. principle of exercise and movement
    • We are EXPLORING... to discover and classify sexual education as part of the Mates and Dates programme

    Kia Ora Year 10's 45,836 Funny Running Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

    This week are developing goals around our F.I.T.T programs relating to athletics as we have athletics day coming up next term and we want Mountains to clean up! We will be developing our techniques in a variety of events focusing on our core goals of STRENGTH and CARDIO 

    Plan for Yr 10's (week 3)

    Week 4:

    • Monday  (10M1PEH) - Continuation of our F.I.T.T goals. Will finish lesson with a fun game if we can get onto our FITT goals promptly

    • Tuesday (10M2PEH) - Continuation of our F.I.T.T goals. Will finish lesson with a fun game if we can get onto our FITT goals promptly

    • Wednesday (10M1PEH & 10M2PEH) - Continuation of F.I.T.T. goals + game

    • Thursday (10M1PEH & 10M2PEH) - We will have a game of 

      Capture the Flag - Dodgeball: 

    • Rules: Class will be divided into 2 teams

    • Teams both have a 'safe' zone (behind the coned line marking the middle of court

    • If a player attempts to steal a 'flag', he or she can be shot at with the dodgeballs. If he/she gets hit with a ball, they must go to 'jail'

    • Players can rescue other players from jail by running into the coned off area

    • Round is won by the team with the most 'flags' collected 

  • 22 August - 28 August


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... explaining the components of the FITT principles
    • We are FOCUSING... identifying the features of healthy and unhealthy relationships.

    Week 5
    Culture is not only that how others culture have different from other  culture, its how to accept other cultures… | Cartoons vector, Cartoon  people, Character designCULTURAL GAMES! - We will be examining a series of games based in different cultures. This will give us an understanding of other cultures as well as allowing us to have fun! You will explain the component(s) of fitness at the end to refresh your F.I.T.T knowledge

    Learning Intentions 

    - To develop an understanding of the components of fitness and what sport(s) utilise them
    - To develop an understanding of games from various cultures (Ki O Rahi etc) 

    Success criteria 

    - Can demonstrate an understanding of the components of fitness and what sport(s) utilise them
    - Can demonstrate an understanding of the cultural history of various games 

  • 29 August - 4 September


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... explaining the components of the FITT principles
    • We are FOCUSING... identifying the features of healthy and unhealthy relationships

    Week 6
    Culture is not only that how others culture have different from other  culture, its how to accept other cultures… | Cartoons vector, Cartoon  people, Character designCULTURAL GAMES! - We will be examining a series of games based in different cultures. This will give us an understanding of other cultures as well as allowing us to have fun! You will explain the component(s) of fitness at the end to refresh your F.I.T.T knowledge

    Learning Intentions 

    - To develop an understanding of the components of fitness and what sport(s) utilise them
    - To develop an understanding of games from various cultures (Ki O Rahi etc) 

    Success criteria 

    - Can demonstrate an understanding of the components of fitness and what sport(s) utilise them
    - Can demonstrate an understanding of the cultural history of various games 

  • 5 September - 11 September

    FOCUS / ARONGA                                                                                                                                         

    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... explaining the components of the FITT principles
    • We are FOCUSING... identifying the features of healthy and unhealthy relationships

    Kia Ora its Maori Language Week/Student Led Conferences 

    Our Focus

    * Incorporating Tikanga into our practical lessons (Maori cultural games - Ki O Rahi, Tapuwae etc) 
    * To prepare for student led conferences this coming Thursday

    Games we will play for Maori language 

    * Ki O Rahi (broken down variation)
    * Tapuwae 


    - To develop movement skills in the game(s) of Ki O Rahi and Tapuwae
    - To gain an understanding of the Te Reo legend(s) behind Ki O Rahi and Tapuwae
    - To identify the relevant FITT components used in the game(s) of Ki O Rahi and Tapuwae


    - Can demonstrate movement skills in the game(s) of Ki O Rahi and Tapuwae
    - Can demonstrate an understanding of the Te Reo legend(s) behind Ki O Rahi and Tapuwae
    - Can identify the relevant FITT components used in the game(s) of Ki O Rahi and Tapuwae

    Vector illustration of cartoon character saying hello and welcome in Maori  Stock Vector Image & Art - Alamy

  • 12 September - 18 September

  • 19 September - 24 September

  • 26 September - 2 October

  • 3 October - 9 October

  • 10 October - 16 October

  • 17 October - 23 October

    Nightmare Before Christmas "This is Halloween" Song | Build-A-Bear®Badminton Male Player Action with Racket and Shuttlecock Cartoon Graphic  Stock Vector - Illustration of olympic, fitness: 150089069



    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... the development of skills in badminton (serving, shot placement, maintaining a rally etc....) 
    • We are EXPLORING... vaping (its effects and hazards etc) and the effects of peer pressure on teens
    • We are EXPLORING... revision for CATs

    Health: Vaping & Peer Pressure

    * What vaping IS 
    * Peer pressure and its effects on teens 
    * Peer pressure & Haoura 

    PE: NOTE! (the first 2 weeks will be spent finalizing Athletics trials)

    * Long Jump
    * High Jump

  • 24 October - 30 October

    Nightmare Before Christmas "This is Halloween" Song | Build-A-Bear®Badminton Male Player Action with Racket and Shuttlecock Cartoon Graphic  Stock Vector - Illustration of olympic, fitness: 150089069


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... the development of skills in badminton (serving, shot placement, maintaining a rally etc....) 
    • We are EXPLORING... vaping (its effects and hazards etc) and the effects of peer pressure on teens
    • We are EXPLORING... revision for CATs

    Health: Vaping & Peer Pressure

    * What vaping IS 
    * Peer pressure and its effects on teens 
    * Peer pressure & Haoura 

    PE: NOTE! (the first 2 weeks will be spent finalizing Athletics trials)

    * Long Jump
    * High Jump

  • 31 October - 6 November

    Nightmare Before Christmas "This is Halloween" Song | Build-A-Bear®Badminton Male Player Action with Racket and Shuttlecock Cartoon Graphic  Stock Vector - Illustration of olympic, fitness: 150089069


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... the development of skills in badminton (serving, shot placement, maintaining a rally etc....) 
    • We are EXPLORING... vaping (its effects and hazards etc) and the effects of peer pressure on teens
    • We are EXPLORING... revision for CATs

    Health: Vaping & Peer Pressure

    * What vaping IS 
    * Peer pressure and its effects on teens 
    * Peer pressure & Haoura 

    PE: Badminton 

    * Aiming to develop basic badminton skills, ie (how to serve correctly, grip the racquet, maintaining a basic rally...)  

    Students will EXPLORE basic badminton skills 
    * Students will EXPLORE how peer pressure influences them
    Students will EXPLORE vaping and its effects
    * Students will EXPLORE peer pressure and its potential impact on Hauora 

  • 7 November - 13 November

    Nightmare Before Christmas "This is Halloween" Song | Build-A-Bear®Badminton Male Player Action with Racket and Shuttlecock Cartoon Graphic  Stock Vector - Illustration of olympic, fitness: 150089069


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... the development of skills in badminton (serving, shot placement, maintaining a rally etc....) 
    • We are EXPLORING... vaping (its effects and hazards etc) and the effects of peer pressure on teens
    • We are EXPLORING... revision for CATs

    NOTE: E-astles are this week

    Health: Vaping & Peer Pressure

    * What vaping IS 
    * Peer pressure and its effects on teens 
    * Peer pressure & Haoura 

    PE: Badminton 

    * Aiming to develop basic badminton skills, ie (how to serve correctly, grip the racquet, maintaining a basic rally...)  

    Students will EXPLORE basic badminton skills 
    * Students will EXPLORE how peer pressure influences them
    Students will EXPLORE vaping and its effects
    * Students will EXPLORE peer pressure and its potential impact on Hauora 

  • 14 November - 20 November

    Nightmare Before Christmas "This is Halloween" Song | Build-A-Bear®Badminton Male Player Action with Racket and Shuttlecock Cartoon Graphic  Stock Vector - Illustration of olympic, fitness: 150089069


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... the development of skills in badminton (serving, shot placement, maintaining a rally etc....) 
    • We are EXPLORING... vaping (its effects and hazards etc) and the effects of peer pressure on teens
    • We are EXPLORING... revision for CATs


  • 21 November - 27 November

    Nightmare Before Christmas "This is Halloween" Song | Build-A-Bear®Badminton Male Player Action with Racket and Shuttlecock Cartoon Graphic  Stock Vector - Illustration of olympic, fitness: 150089069


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... the development of skills in badminton (serving, shot placement, maintaining a rally etc....) 
    • We are EXPLORING... vaping (its effects and hazards etc) and the effects of peer pressure on teens
    • We are EXPLORING... revision for CATs

    Health: Vaping & Peer Pressure

    * What vaping IS 
    * Peer pressure and its effects on teens 
    * Peer pressure & Haoura 

    PE: Badminton 

    * Aiming to develop basic badminton skills, ie (how to serve correctly, grip the racquet, maintaining a basic rally...)  

    Students will EXPLORE basic badminton skills 
    * Students will EXPLORE how peer pressure influences them
    Students will EXPLORE vaping and its effects
    * Students will EXPLORE peer pressure and its potential impact on Hauora 

  • 28 November - 4 December

    Nightmare Before Christmas "This is Halloween" Song | Build-A-Bear®Badminton Male Player Action with Racket and Shuttlecock Cartoon Graphic  Stock Vector - Illustration of olympic, fitness: 150089069



    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... the development of skills in badminton (serving, shot placement, maintaining a rally etc....) 
    • We are EXPLORING... vaping (its effects and hazards etc) and the effects of peer pressure on teens
    • We are EXPLORING... revision for CATs

    Health: Vaping & Peer Pressure

    * What vaping IS 
    * Peer pressure and its effects on teens 
    * Peer pressure & Haoura 

    PE: Badminton 

    * Aiming to develop basic badminton skills, ie (how to serve correctly, grip the racquet, maintaining a basic rally...)  

    Students will EXPLORE basic badminton skills 
    * Students will EXPLORE how peer pressure influences them
    Students will EXPLORE vaping and its effects
    * Students will EXPLORE peer pressure and its potential impact on Hauora 

  • 5 December - 11 December

    Nightmare Before Christmas "This is Halloween" Song | Build-A-Bear®Badminton Male Player Action with Racket and Shuttlecock Cartoon Graphic  Stock Vector - Illustration of olympic, fitness: 150089069



    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... the development of skills in badminton (serving, shot placement, maintaining a rally etc....) 
    • We are EXPLORING... vaping (its effects and hazards etc) and the effects of peer pressure on teens
    • We are EXPLORING... revision for CATs

    Health: Vaping & Peer Pressure

    * What vaping IS 
    * Peer pressure and its effects on teens 
    * Peer pressure & Haoura 

    PE: Badminton 

    * Aiming to develop basic badminton skills, ie (how to serve correctly, grip the racquet, maintaining a basic rally...)  

    Students will EXPLORE basic badminton skills 
    * Students will EXPLORE how peer pressure influences them
    Students will EXPLORE vaping and its effects
    * Students will EXPLORE peer pressure and its potential impact on Hauora 

  • 12 December - 18 December