Coast Takutai Whānau 2022
Weekly outline
- My long term learning goals that I have developed from my Student-led Conference are…
- My short term learning goals that I have developed from my Student-led Conference are...
- My achievement and progress to date...
- The learning support I need from my teachers is...
- My family can help me by...
- The personal action(s) I need to take to support my own learning are...
- My parents' goals and aspirations for me are…
You are required to write a reflection statement that identifies the SMART goals you have set yourself in 2022 and the progress you are making to achieving these goals. You may choose to describe the actions you have taken, the successes you have had and the obstacles/challenges you have faced. This will be an unedited statement from you and will appear on your Holistic report.
You may choose to use one of the below sentence starters to help (copy and paste these into the text box);
A goal I have set myself for 2022 is....
I have taken the following actions to meet this goal...
The successes I have experienced are...
The challenges I have faced are...SENCO Writing Template :
ESOL Writing Template :
Kia ora students,
A warm welcome back! A special welcome to our Year 7 students and all students new to Coast Whanau!
3rd February - Year 7's and Year 10's, you will need the Tuakana teina Checklist to complete your buddy activities. Please access the document from your LA Google Classroom.
Please ensure that you make a copy of the document BEFORE starting this activity as you will need to upload your completed work to your Google Class. Your Learning Advisor will be checking this.
Our school uniform:
Staff and students at Mission Heights Junior College have a school to be proud of. Our uniform represents this pride both at school and in the community as students go to and from school. As part of this philosophy we expect our students to reflect our high standards in the way they wear their school uniform.
All uniform items are to be regulation items for Mission Heights Junior College.
Uniform can be purchased at;
John Russell Menswear, 9 Moore Street,
Howick, Auckland. Phone (09) 534 9373Uniforms, shoes and sandals are able to be purchased online. Simply follow the link to access the online store, then click on ‘School Uniforms’ and ‘Mission Heights Junior College’…
Girls Uniform
- Black M.H.J.C. skirt which must be knee length or covering the knee
- Black MHJC skort (Yr 7 and 8)
- MHJC silver grey blouse
- MHJC teal woollen jersey or vest (Optional)
- School approved plain white ankle socks (no logos)
- Black opaque tights.
- Approved black Roman sandals.
- Approved plain black, flat, leather school shoes – lace up or single bar
- Black MHJC hat
- MHJC jacket (Optional)
- Plain black scarf (Outdoor wear only)
Boys Uniform
- Black MHJC knee length shorts
- Black MHJC trousers
- MHJC silver grey shirt
- MHJC teal woollen jersey or vest (Optional)
- School approved plain black ankle business socks
- Approved black Roman sandals
- MHJC plain black, flat, leather lace up school shoes
- Black MHJC hat
- MHJC jacket (Optional)
- Plain black scarf (Outdoor wear only)
Physical Education Uniform
- Teal and black MHJC P.E shirt plus black MHJC PE shorts
- Lace up training shoes
- White sports socks
- One small (no more than 3mm) plain gold or silver stud, (not hoops) may be worn in each earlobe.
- A watch may be worn.
- No other visible jewellery including facial or body piercing is permitted.
- Moderate styles and natural colours. Hair should not cover a student’s eyes.
We expect that:
- Clothing and school bags are clean, in good repair and worn correctly.
- School clothing is clearly named.
- Only approved uniform items are visible. Non-regulation uniform or jewellery will be confiscated and returned at the end of the term or to parents/caregivers on request.
- Makeup and nail varnish must not be worn.
- Students who arrive at school incorrectly dressed must have a note of explanation from their parent/caregiver.
- As students wearing the Mission Heights Junior College uniform are representing our school, they will respect and abide by school values and expectations.
- Black M.H.J.C. skirt which must be knee length or covering the knee
Our learning focus for the term is Connecting and Reconnecting. We hope to reconnect with families of our students and extend a very warm welcome to all families new to Coast/Takutai whanau. We look forward to connecting with you all!
We have had a few parents concerned about their child's learning when they are not able to attend school due to the Ministry of Health’s Covid Guidelines (isolating while waiting for testing results etc).
We have already put in place the following for Online Learning at Home:
We have spoken to all the students and they know how to access their learning from home through the use of our digital platforms.
Curriculum activities for all subjects can be found on Mission Heights Online, where they can see the Learning Intentions, Success Criteria and the activities they are to do.
All students have access to their Google Classroom, which provides other resources to support their learning.
Students will have weekly Maths Buddy, Reading Plus and Education Perfect tasks to be completed.
Should your child need any support, they can email their class teacher or Learning Advisor. Your child can also join their usual in-school class remotely, using GoogleMeet. The best way to do this is to email the teacher, who will assign a student to open GoogleMeet. This ongoing support will start as of Monday, 14 February.
We hope that this will help keep students connected with their teachers and friends in Coast Whanau.
Your child is required to check in with their Learning Advisor each Friday 9.30am -10.30am for LA time if working from home.
A directory of teacher emails is below, to support communication between home and school:
Raeesa Dada – Deputy Principal, Global Studies Teacher,
Jason McKimmon – Assistant Principal, PE and Health Teacher
Wyn Morris – Whanau Dean, Science Teacher –
Narina Remedios – Coast Whanau Admin Assistant
Abbi Shields – Performing Arts, Drama, PE and Health Teacher
Ulika Singh – Global Studies Teacher–
Pauli Roodt - Technology -
Amanda Carter - English / Global studies
Anna Vuksanlekaj - Science -
Navneet Kaur – Maths Teacher –
Douglas Choong – Maths and Art Teacher –
Ezra Bartlett – Music and Performing Arts –
Nalini Narayan – English Teacher –
Aly Grant - PE and Health Teacher -
Juliet Gao - Mandarin and Robotics Teacher -
Fidelia Dubash – Learning Assistant -
Ameena Hoosen - Learning Assistant -
A friendly reminder of 'Google Meet' protocol:
• Microphones and cameras are to be switched on for meetings (teachers may ask for microphones to be muted at intervals, if a large class is in attendance).
Please be assured that when you contact us in the Whanau, Mrs Remedios (Coast Whanau Student Services) records why your child is absent as we would for any absence. If it is related to Covid this is not discussed with others, nor are the students’ vaccination status disclosed.
It is important that you inform us if your child’s absence is Covid related, so that we can ensure that your child is supported with distance learning while away from school.
Please remind your child to see Mrs Remedios once they are back at school.
Our very best wishes to your child and to your whole family during the upcoming weeks.
He waka eke noa - we are all in this together...
Warmest regards,
Raeesa Dada Jason McKimmon
Deputy Principal Assistant Principal
Coast Whanau Lock-Up & Safety roster Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Upper Whanau -Morning Saif, Yash Saif, Yash Ariya, Carmen Ariya, Carmen Saif, Yash Upper Whanau -End of day Saif, Yash Saif, Yash Ariya, Carmen Ariya, Carmen Saif, Yash Lower Whanau -Morning Yash, Michael Yash, Michael Jaira, Natasha Sonali, Natasha Sonali, Jaira Lower Whanau -End of day Yash, Michael Yash, Michael Jaira, Natasha Sonali, Natasha Sonali, Jaira -
Kindness week Theme:
Be an UPSTANDER not a bystander
Tues 17th - Fri 20th May- Write messages on the "Kindness wall" near the bike shed (1:15pm - 1:55 pm)
Wed 18th May- Crazy socks day message to spread acceptance and win Chocolate prizes!!!
Thurs 19th May-Random Acts of Kindness
Friday 20th May - Colour run on the field. -